Dandavats Praṇāmas Mahārāja

11 months, 1 week ago by kazzymiro@ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Mahārāja, espero se encuentre muy bien de Salud, sigo atendiendo las Deidades de Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara en casa y cantando mis Rondas, desde la llegada de Sus Señorías a casa siento más apego por mi Sadhana, me es más fácil hacer mi Bajana, ya asta el personaje de Payaso cambio; me corte el pelo y ahora ya parezco Vaiṣṇava, estoy leyendo el Nectar de la Devoción y ya no debo tantas rondas, trato de ver las clases de su Santidad Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja aunque el horario en México Cdmx es a las 2:00 a.m.

cada vez me apego más a Su Santidad, es hermosa su Predica y tengo un poco de contacto con Prabhu Aditas.

Prabhu Akincana ya está en casa de sus Padres en Guadalajara y va mejorando.

Quiero agradecer su cobijo bajo sus Pies de Loto Mahārāja.

Es una bendición de Śrī Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla!!!

Esperamos la celebración de su aparición Trascendental en éste plano.

Todas las Glorias !!

JayA Śrīla Prabhupāda


Dear Mahārāja, I hope you are in very good health,

HpS - Spiritually, agtSP, we are making lots of progress and body is dwindling day by day. 

I continue to attend to the Deities of Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara at home and chant my Rounds, since Their Lordships' arrival home I feel more attached to my Sadhana, it is easier for me to do my Bhajana, Even the Clown character changed; I cut my hair and now I look like a Vaiṣṇava,  I am reading the Nectar of Devotion and I no longer owe so many rounds, I try to watch the classes of His Holiness Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja although the time in Mexico City is at 2:00 a.m.

HpS - Very nice.

I become more and more attached to his Holiness, his Preaching is beautiful and I have a little contact with Prabhu Aditas.

HpS - Who is Aditas?

Prabhu Akincana is already at his parents' house in Guadalajara and is improving.

HpS  Well I guess that is good, but was hoping that he had died and gone to heaven, Nabadvipa!!

I want to thank you for sheltering me under his Lotus Feet Mahārāja.

It is a blessing from Śrī Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla!!!

We await the celebration of his Transcendental appearance on this plane.

HpS - It is now 99% finished and was great success, so many devotees had chance to talk. Now we have some things that will take all year to attend to. 

Hope to hear if rapid and steady progress in your Sankirtan!!!

Let us look at more letters!

All Glories!!

JayA Srila Prabhupada