Año nuevo, Yatra nuevo!!! - Casi Urgente.

1 year, 2 months ago by Yulisa Yugala in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk querido Gurudeva al fin puedo escribirle, el león saltó hasta la finca de Brihuega, la casa de Radha Govinda Candra, es como lo soñé, gente muy comprometida con el servicio devocional, buen estándar de pujari, clases, prasadham, Maharaja Yadunandana un super líder, un hermoso asram muy tranquilo, hermosa naturaleza, y un frío intenso sobre o bajo cero, llevadero por las comodidades del lugar.

Mucha ayuda de mis compatriotas, muy agradecida con ellos. Es gracioso las Yasodas de Tilda y España, son como mis ángeles de la guardia. Arreglos de Krsna. En Lima servía al Señor Jaganatha y aquí el Krsna también es negrito y grande, muy hermoso. Sus bendiciones para poder servirlo pronto.

Prometí este año estar aquí y aunque hubo muchas pruebas de todo calibre, como la partida de mi papá, gracias a su ayuda pude recuperarme rápidamente. Lo logré! Misericordia de Krsna.

Como brahmacari me siento muy a gusto con actividades espirituales desde muy temprano, más si es en grupo, uno se entusiasma, así que mi vivienda esta sobrecargada de una atmosfera espiritual gracias a sus bendiciones.

En la tradición católica hay muchas monjas, en la nuestra la mayoría de mujeres creen que su vida se resuelve casándose, para mi es una bendición tanto, tener hijos o no tenerlos, casarse o no hacerlo.

Es bonito ser brahmacarini, esa es mi naturaleza, libre para servir donde Krsna me mande.

Desde que vine me regulé en el uso del celular, menos prajalpa.

Le pido sus bendiciones para distribuir muchos libros, de alguna manera debemos generar ingresos para pasajes. Es muy diferente que la gente de Perú, vi a un devoto que le va bien, cuento con que a mi me ocurrirá lo mismo.

Estoy con muchos devotos peruanos y algunos que conocí en latinoamérica.

Me ilusiona saber que pronto vendrá, mientras nos veremos en Su vyasa puja.

Jay Gurudeva! Hay tanta gente a quien agradecer. Empezamos el año nuevo, en nuevo Yatra, nuevas deidades, nuevos amigos, nuevo hogar, camino de vuelta al Supremo.

Feliz año nuevo Gurudeva!!!


Hk dear Gurudeva, I can finally write to you, the lion jumped to the Brihuega farm, the house of Radha Govinda Candra, it is just as I dreamed, people very committed to devotional service, good standard of pujari, classes, prasadham, Maharaja Yadunandana a super leader, a beautiful, very quiet asram, beautiful nature, and an intense cold above or below zero, bearable by the comforts of the place.

A lot of help from my compatriots, very grateful to them. It's funny the Yasodas of Tilda and Spain, they are like my guardian angels. Arrangements of Krsna. In Lima he served Lord Jaganatha and here Krsna is also black and big, very beautiful. Blessings to him to be able to serve him soon.

I promised to be here this year and although there were many trials of all caliber, such as my father's departure, thanks to his help I was able to recover quickly. I did it! Mercy of Krsna.

As a brahmacari I feel very comfortable with spiritual activities from very early on, especially if it is in a group, one gets enthusiastic, so my home is overloaded with a spiritual atmosphere thanks to his blessings.

In the Catholic tradition there are many nuns, in ours the majority of women believe that their lives are resolved by getting married, for me it is such a blessing, to have children or not to have them, to get married or not to.

It is nice to be a brahmacarini, that is my nature, free to serve wherever Krsna sends me.

Since I came I have regulated my cell phone use, less prajalpa.

I ask for your blessings to distribute many books, somehow we must generate income for tickets. It is very different than the people of Peru, I saw a devotee who is doing well, I am counting on the same thing to happen to me.

I am with many Peruvian devotees and some that I met in Latin America.

I am excited to know that he will soon come, as we will see each other at his vyasa puja.

Jay Gurudeva! There are so many people to thank. We begin the new year, in a new Yatra, new deities, new friends, new home, path back to the Supreme.

Happy New Year Gurudeva!!!

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. I think that all of ISKCON is changing! Some places sooner. Some places later.

After years and years and years of struggling with own minds and senses and the social problems, we seeing a result.

Maybe Daivi varna ashrama Dharma is really developing.

Of course, it is all a Battle of Kuruksetra in this world, but we do want to see the Pandavas win!!

Our respects to all.

Hope you get a wave of book distribution, with many partners.

Repectst to the very senior ladies there!!

We are russsshhhhing to the temple for sunday festival.