BLS Calendar

1 year, 2 months ago by hps in Calendar Development





[23 12 29]

🐵 - AgtSP. We are plannnning this Seminar every Friday at 7.30PM. It should be in Nila-madhava's and Radha's Temple room most times, but one evening is planned at nearby home.

same time.

looks as if Partha Sarthi Foundation [PSF] will host it on Zoooom. Poster Attached.

1st session was a PPTX overview.

Second was merged into Gita jayanti.

3rd, today, will be "Light of the Bhagavata - More Words".

Next week will merge with the LOB in Spanish.

Following with the DTC[UT] Spain.

Then we can pick topis from whatever we and you want.

WeWant to do one session on The ASA Room in the BVL.