Snippet in the Bud

1 year, 2 months ago by chas d lind in DTC

pamho , AGtSP!

Good Day Maharaja! just a quick note until we meet you in Houston.

Another public posting for more clarity in this cloudy world.

Hope it is up to standards!

Hare Krishna!

ASA/TB/BW... Oooh, agtSP... we had to figure out that it was the attachment that we should read. we don't see the attachments when we open the posts, only after we save them, on or off-line,


it is readable!!!

is nice...

did you re-readit after you wrotit?

obeying albert camus?

we can only appreciate the absolute truth, KRSNA, in Vrndavana??? With His eternal associates????


When demons enter ISKCON disguised as chaste women, calves, natural phenomenon, we must detect them and call.. 'hare krsna!!! hare rama!!!' to kill them.

Then ISKCON will be the natural perspective to understand the absolute truth!!! Sri Krsna.