
Hare Krishna Querido Guru Maharaja,

Espero que se encuentre muy bien.

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Hare Krishna, recién le envié mi informe y en los días siguientes le enviaré mi ofrenda.

Le cuento que he terminado los estudios y estoy por viajar a visitar a mis padres. Mi sadhana en estos últimos dos meses decayó bastante, quizás por falta de enfoque. Aunque este año terminé de leer el Srimad Bhagavatan y memoricé bastantes slokas, la asociación con los no practicantes (no devotos) puede arrastrar. No al punto de volvernos irreligiosos.

Combinado con que las visitas que tuvimos aquí en Govardhan no pudieron conectarme. Vinieron a visitarnos 7 Gurus: HDG( a Mar del Plata), Mahatma P., Danvantari M., Yamuna Acarya M., Maha Vishnu M., Bhakti Sundar M., y Purushotraya Maharaja. Sin embargo, no tenía ganas de verlos y cuando se dio una pequeña interacción con algunos, no fue de mi agrado. Siempre en su posición natural de exigir, y yo haciendo un montón de esfuerzos para resolver mis cosas. Quizás al estar cubierto por las gunas estoy menos tolerante. Así que al final decidí solo participar en algunos encuentros en los namahatas, pero nada de participar en los festivales. Ya son 20 años de festivales. Y muchos que lo necesitan

Entiendo que estoy en un periodo astrológico lento, sade sati, que termina en febrero de 2025 y que hay cosas que se tienen que acomodar. Sé que parte de esta intolerancia y enojos son la lujuria y la ira que siguen operando y me cubren. Confío en que en el futuro, cuando termine estos estudios, pueda enfocarme más en mi sadhana y otras actividades Trascendentales

Mientras tanto, estoy haciendo algún trabajo, e intento escuchar el Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta y Kirtan, sabiendo que la mente pasa por estos vientos cada tanto.

Estoy por viajar a Ver a Mis Padres y después voy a Bs As, pienso esto va a renovar un poco mi espíritu

Seguimos con el Servicio de Pujari, y nos mantenemos ahí

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das


Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

HpS - The Sun is at 5.02PM here. It is cold!!! and dark!! Kind of like being in hell but we are happy writing letters and having like 12 of 17 rounds done.

Our body is probably like yours.

Eyes, ears, respiration, heading for recycling! 🙂

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Hare Krishna, I recently sent you my report, and in the coming days, I will send you my offering.

ASA - 🐷👍 👍 👍 

I want to inform you that I have completed my studies and am about to travel to visit my parents. My sadhana has declined quite a bit in the last two months, perhaps due to a lack of focus.

Although I finished reading the Srimad Bhagavatam this year and memorized many slokas, association with non-practitioners (non-devotees) can be dragging, though not to the point of becoming irreligious.

Combined with the fact that the visits we had here in Govardhan couldn't connect with me.

Seven Gurus came to visit us: HDG (to Mar del Plata), Mahatma P., Danvantari M., Yamuna Acarya M., Maha Vishnu M., Bhakti Sundar M., and Purushotraya Maharaja.

However, I didn't feel like seeing them, and when there was a small interaction with some of them, it was not to my liking.

Always in their natural position of demanding, and I, making a lot of effort to resolve my own issues.

Perhaps being covered by the gunas, I am less tolerant.

So in the end, I decided only to participate in some gatherings in the namahatas, but not in the festivals.

It has been 20 years of festivals. And many need it.

I understand that I am in a slow astrological period, sade sati, which ends in February 2025, and that things need to settle.

I know that part of this intolerance and anger is due to lust and anger still operating and covering me.

I trust that in the future, when I finish these studies, I can focus more on my sadhana and other transcendental activities.

In the meantime, I am doing some work and trying to listen to Srila Prabhupada's Lilamrta and Kirtan, knowing that the mind goes through these winds from time to time.

HpS - We have similar experiences. When we are in the mode of goodness. we try to make lasting progress so that the mode ignorance has less and less influence on us each time. then we can extract Nectar from Poison, no?

I am about to travel to see my parents, and then I will go to Buenos Aires. I think this will renew my spirit a bit.

We continue with the service of Pujari, and we stay there.

At your service, Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Thank you for the news!!!! Seems you have your head down in the storm and are pushing forward. I think your parents will have good advice for you from their efforts in their spiritual life also.

Srila Prabhupada has set so much of a spiritual current in motion and people have taken advantage of it.

Maybe people are realizing that all their wars and bitcoins are not working and that ISKCON has something to offer. They learn how to get the covering off the nut and get the essence out of ISKCON.

Push us to become good!

Thank you.