Visiting Houston

1 year, 2 months ago by shatakshi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaj,


I’m visiting Houston Dec 26-Jan 15 for your Vyasapuja. Currently I’m looking for accommodation. Maharaj, the film script is ready and Yogi Prabhu and I have come up with a draft budget of around $150k. Whatever we are able to fundraise we will make the film with that amount.



HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!!! I think Srinivasa Das and family are trying to help visitors with accomodations. President said something about rooms at a Hilton Hotel near the temple that they have discount relation with. SD knows about that I think. Other than that he may know about accomodations with devotees etc.

We hope to learn more about the film when you are here!

We hope you can participate in the Vyasapuja to your full satisfaction, glorifying Vyasadeva and the Sri Krsna Parampara.

Some mention that you, Sri Hari dasa, Aja govinda Das are offering to serve on the Board of Directors for NIOS, and that it was thought that Aja was on the Board but is no longer.

Aja was NIOS's esteemed Academic Correspondence Secretary but never on the Board of Directors. Board is more for general perspective not for actually developing projects.

Also can discuss when you are here, O.K.?
