Respondiendo a la ultima carta

1 year, 2 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a Usted

Mis mas humildes reverencias

Tuvimos una reunión con las autoridades del templo, Madre Asta Sakhi DD y mis padres, en donde del mismo modo que mi antigua reunión, aun no tenemos fecha para la carta de recomendación. Se considera adecuado un año más si todo fluye de manera adecuada.

Seguimos cantando mínimo 16 rondas, seguimos practicando los 4 principios, llevamos en casa un pequeño programa matutino de adoración en casa, realizando servicios de guirnaldas y todos los días en la Boutique Radha Krshna del Templo de CDMX.

Respondioendo el devoto Caitanya Nitay es mi novio.

Tenemos el correo de [email protected] y número telefónico +52 5538165767


hare krishna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to You

HpS/ASA - Maybe.... maybe... a few glories to us.

My most humble reverences

We had a meeting with the temple authorities, Mother Asta Sakhi DD and my parents, where, like my previous meeting, we still do not have a date for the recommendation letter. Another year is considered adequate if everything flows properly.

We continue to chant at least 16 rounds, we continue to practice the 4 principles, we have a small morning worship program at home, holding garland services and every day at the Radha Krshna Boutique of the CDMX Temple.

Responding, devotee Caitanya Nitay is my boyfriend.

HpSwami/ASA - We would like to hear from him about his Sankirtan etc as he has time. Seems like you may be bother very lucky, like Devahuti and Kardama Muni.

We have the email address [email protected] and the telephone number +52 5538...

HpS - With some effort Tom Brown, Secretary for ASA put them in our Contacts!

Hari Bolo!!