Urgente: pregunta sobre ofrenda online

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Estamos leyendo los preparativos para el próximo Vyasa-puja y la oportunidad de glorificar al parampara, agradezco y me entusiasma el esfuerzo de mis hermanos espirituales y de todos los devotos involucrados.

Una hermana espiritual de Australia me contó que nuestro hermano mayor Sriman Raktak dasa le dijo "siempre estaré presente en cada Vyasa-puja donde Gurumaharaja se encuentre", también deseaba visitar México en alguna celebración, en cada Vyasa-puja lo tengo muy presente, es una oportunidad para meditar en las cualidades de mis hermanos mayores.

Quiero agradecer la amable comunicación de madre Gopi Radha con México, es un servicio que demanda tiempo y paciencia así que le agradezco mucho.


Nos informaron que el jueves 11 de Enero habrá una conexión con Usted para las ofrendas online de algunos países, previamente habrá una clase corta de su parte, Gurumaharaja la clase será transmitida por gotomeeting?

Han anunciado trasmisión por facebook de todo el evento, pero por gotomeeting su santa asociación durante las clases es una experiencia distinta y muy especial, apelamos por esa vía por favor, si es por zoom también estaría bien. Nosotros también celebraremos este día la ceremonia de Vyasa-puja en el templo, será muy auspicioso tener su darshan.


Aprovecho la oportunidad para preguntar si tiene alguna recomendación de ofrenda de bhoga para este lado del mundo por favor.

En cuanto a la ofrenda online, Mani kundali dd ha propuesto grabar un bhajan de su preferencia, queremos apoyar y servir esa iniciativa si a usted le parece bien, primeramente queremos preguntar que bhajan le agradaría de nuestra parte por favor, por su misericordia algunos de nosotros podríamos intentar aullar armoniosamente.

Esta pregunta ha sido el motivo de la urgencia.

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención

Disculpe nuestras faltas por favor

Su aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

We are reading the preparations for the upcoming Vyasa-puja and the opportunity to glorify the parampara.

I am grateful and excited for the efforts of my godbrothers and all the devotees involved.

A spiritual sister from Australia told me that our elder brother Sriman Raktak dasa told her "I will always be present in every Vyasa-puja where Gurumaharaja is", he also wanted to visit Mexico in some celebration, in every Vyasa-puja I keep it very present, it is an opportunity to meditate on the qualities of my older brothers.

HpS - 😪/🙂

I want to thank mother Gopi Radha for her kind communication with Mexico, it is a service that requires time and patience, so I thank her very much.


We were informed that on Thursday, January 11, there will be a connection with you for the online offerings of some countries, previously there will be a short class from you, Gurumaharaja, will the class be transmitted by gotomeeting?

HpS - I think it was announced as GoToMeeting on the Blog, but certainly it will be announced again.

They have announced a Facebook broadcast of the entire event, but by gotomeeting their holy association during classes is a different and very special experience, we appeal that way please, if it is by zoom it would also be fine. We will also celebrate the Vyasa-puja ceremony in the temple on this day, it will be very auspicious to have its darshan.

HpS - Usually ASA Carnival broadcasts the GoToMeeting meetings on Facebook. Maybe there will be 25-different reporters there with 25-different cameras with communication satellites in the patio!!


I take the opportunity to ask if you have any recommendations for Bhoga offerings for this side of the world please.

HpS - Just pray to Krsna what He and Sri Radha want, the it will be satisfying to everyone.

Regarding the online offering, Mani kundali dd has proposed to record a bhajan of your choice, we want to support and serve that initiative if it seems good to you, first we want to ask what bhajan you would like from us please, for your mercy some of we could try to howl harmoniously.

HpS - One that you can do well. That comes from you heart. Practice to make sure that the words are louder than the instruments. 🙂 👍

This question has been the reason for the urgency.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Excuse our mistakes please

Your would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

ASA - The sakhis are only 13, 14 years old. We can remember how we all were at 14-years old!!!

