PDD, CGD & Parvati

1 year, 2 months ago by Palika Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna respected Gurumaharaja 🙏

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Please accept our humble obeisances and respects.

There have been some months since we did not write you and I want to inform you about us (our little family) and service here in La Perla- Callao.

  • We have a small altar with Goura Nitay and Prahlad Nrsimha deities that Caturatma prabhu worships in the morning and offer fruits for breakfast and a preparation for lunch everyday.
  • Since 2021, I have been working in a new company that sells instruments for quality control at chemical laboratories and this year Caturatma is working with us in the distribution and delivery. This is small company with 5 people there and we also distribuited prasadam to them in special events. They like a lot alfajores Tulasi.
  • Our daughter Parvati is studying Philosophy at San Marcos University and she finished her first year with good grades. Six months ago, she stopped her Bharatanatyam classes because a foot injury and now she feels better. By the other side, she is traveling to India because she has an invitation for Ananga Manjari´s marriage, she is her dance teacher (mataji Hare Krsna´s daughter). It will take place in Jaipur and five Gopesvara dancers are traveling with her, they are planning to visit Vrindavan for a few days and then they will travel to Chennai where they will take some classes in January and finally go back home in Feb.

HpS - ASA - So nice!! But be careful. Krsna may keep her there!

  • In Sep, I suffered an accident when I was going down the stairs at home so we fracture a metartasial bone of my right feet. It was a painful process and finally I am walking again with the help of phisical theraphy. HpS - I think 90% of the people in the world have this experience before they die!
  • This month, Caturatma is distribuiting SP´s books and yesterday I accompanied him to sankirtana - aprox 40 small books were distribuited in our district. HpS - Hearts made happy. Hearts made happy! Forever!

This is a brief report about us and we are very grateful for your mercy, we really appreciate to take your association attending FMP and saturday SB classes. This keep us enthusiam with our 4 principles and chanting our rounds, sometimes I feel that this group is like the Death Poet Society - chanting in early morning and listening Krsna´s katha.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja and please forgive our offenses.

Trying to be useful,

Caturatma Goura Das, Parvati dasi and Palika devi dasi

HpS - Thank you.