GBC, Zonal, Temple, ISKCON Administration Report.

1 year, 2 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports



Since we are retiring more and more into Sannyasa, both by force of old age and personal effort, 🙂 we don't have too much Management activity to report.

Guess first thing is ISKCON Peru, then Houston and finally Nashville/NIOS.

  1. PERU - There are two management, political, issues with which we are involved.

One continues from the Blog Post: which is a response by H. G. Daru Krsna Das about criticism of his actions in the Yatra administration, and his critical perspective on actions of others.

I remember that we said that we would wait to see if anyone named in the Post would contact us with a Blog Post, but no one has.

Again, we feel it is an essential, and even for ISKCON, a challenging feature that fundamentally any communications with a Sannyasi about "dhanam, janam, sundarim" money, men and dealings with women be in community forums like this Blog.

Private groups of three or so devotees might be formed to deal with more confidential stuff, but ultimately we have heard from Trivikrama Swami, Abhirama Das, and so many of Srila Prabhupada's Secretaries that he was just the same behind doors about these things as he was in public. He was just the same in private as he was in his purports.

Personally, we do see, maybe 1/1000 times there are comments on morning walks where Prabhupada comments that what he is saying should of course not be said in a public forum.

Daru Krsna Das made this point nicely. Thank you.

However, during some informal communications, one point about the above cited Post was highlighted by two devotees.

As we understand the situation as such:

Hari-buddhi Das made a formal complaint to the Peruvian government that an Annual Meeting of ISKCON Peru corporation, which was supposed to have the members physically present to consider issues and vote even though declared as such never physically happened.

As a result the government sent notices to members of the Corporation that an investigation was going to take place and police would visit them to take their statements.

Abhirama Thakura Das visited H. G. Daru-krsna at that time and Daru Prabhu showed him a notification that he had received from the government that he would be contacted for his statement, and DKD commented that the investigation had started and that ArtD should take the notification that he, DKD, had received to Smt. Gangamayi Devi Dasi, who was the legal administrator of the Corporation at that time. Abhirama Th. Das made a copy of the notification and then gave it to Mataji.

Then, there was a shocking formal letter of denunciation from the Yatra Administration that DKD and Art Das had publicly denounced ISKCON Peru to the police. Which they had not done.

The letter of denunciation was apparently copied to us but we never, never, never saw a copy of it. If we had, we would have dealt with it in the manner we are dealing with the subject now.

[Informally we heard comments that Smt. Gangamayi Devi Dasi supposedly made to JPD and CMDD about giving a report to the police, sanctions from ISKCON if devotees did not cooperate with the Yatra administration in the police reports, and Latin American GBC confidential reactions.]


Ooof! Hey! Surprise??? We are getting a headache?

Yet, when we do construction work we get a back ache. Some head ache, heart ache, is necessary part of our service, but has to be in proportion.

Politicians like Arjuna and Ramananda Raya and Sarva bhauma Bhattacarya and Maharaja Pariksit are designed and situated to engage in diplomatic dealings for Krsna.

We are Sudra, Brahmana, Brahmana, Brahmana. Almost no Ksatriya or Vaisya.

Arjuna and Duryodhana did not approach Vyasadeva to join the battle, but he was an essential part of the battle as a chronicle keeper.

So, that is the only addendum that we can to make to the above post.

Maybe everyone has good motives but there have been genuine misunderstandings. Maybe people have evil motives and secret dealings with money etc but from our position this is all we can say, and we chose to be happy in focusing on friendly or neutral dealings with everyone involved.

Of course we can receive any Posts that devotees want to make on these topics, but other than linking this post to DKD, ArtDas and Mathuresa Das at this point we are 99.99% finished with private discussions of the point.

[We asked Sripada Mathuresa Das to send us Hansarupa Das' contact info so we can just inform him that ourselves, Mathuresa and H. H. Bhakti sundara Swami made an investigation of this issue for the Latin American GBC some years ago, and that if he has any questions for us we can respond.]

The second point with Peru administration is with the decision by the National Council about Nadiya-nivasi Devi Dasi, based on complaints by Milan Ray. Seems that the issue was dealt with with a lot of care and effort, but as Diksa guru we were never informed, and there are a few points that we would need to discuss.

So far it has not moved ahead much and we just sent a follow up letter.

That is the way of administration.


Get pragmatic results under Brahminical perspective and then get back to the Sankirtan. 🌴 🌴 🌴

  1. Peru
  2. Houston. Here there is practically speaking no conflict. We are organizing daily Temple participation with classes etc, the three festivals mentioned in the Calendar and developing our Campsite.
  3. NASHVILLE/NIOS. We had very good 30-minute meeting with the President and Secretary of NIOS, both Board Members, yesterday and there will be a Special Meeting of the Corporation to make up for the lack of the Annual Meeting

🐵 See! These bureaucratic faults are in NIOS as well as Peru.

HpS is resigning from all NIOS projects and position and money accounts on January 12th which is 20th anniversary of NIOS and 76th birthday of his body, buddy, yet always available to serve in his geriatric condition.

There are proposals that Srinivasa Acharya Das become a Vice-president, Govinda pramodini Devi Das become Secretary and ArtD go on Board of Directors. Any suggestions from anyone else?

Thank you.


Reread and edit...

3.09PM = 16-minutes.

We feel satisfied, that anyone with half a brain in their head can use this contribution in these issues.

Now we post this. Send link to others. Contact Srinivasa about calling annual meeting, Sadhu/Sri devi about organizing the 'Light of the Bhagavata' festival.

Check Whatsapp and Blog mail.

Go for walk - Gaura arati!

Hot milk and KRSNA book.

Thank you.