Sadhana personal

1 year, 2 months ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna, le ofresco mis Respetuosas reverencias todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada todas las glorias a usted🙏

Como esta?

Gurumaharaja sigo haciendo 16 rondas sigo los 4 principios, lei el tava pache pache, estoy leyendo el canto tercero - parte primera del srimad bhagavatam, el bhagavad gita capitulo 4, también leí las enseñanzas místicas de la reina kunti, el libro de la reina kunti lo empecé a leer después que fui iniciada por usted, ya que las pruebas empezaron, la prueba más grande fue que no me podía levantar temprano al programa de la mañana que usted realiza virtual, al parecer después de tanta lucha y muchas oraciones al señor nrisimha, estoy más estable en mi servicio.

Le canto y hago oracion al señor nrisimha por su salud para que usted pueda seguir con el movimiento de sankirtana del señor caitanya bajo la guia de Srila prabhupada, también oro para que proteja su servicio devocional.

Espero que cuando lea está carta se encuentre muy bien, estos son mis deseos, ya que al estar usted bien me hace muy feliz.

Su aspirante a sirvienta

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna, I offer my Respectful obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada all glories to you🙏

How are you doing?

HpS/ASA - Every day, agtSP, paoho, is a Battle of Kuruksetra, no? Get shot with arrows. Lose some fights. Not a brave as we should be, but make some effort, get the mercy of His Divine Grace, see progress in our sense control, becoming Goswamis, and perfect servants of our Sankirtan Leader, Saccinandana!


  1. I continue doing 16 rounds, I follow the 4 principles,
  2. I read the tava pache pache,
  3. I am reading the third canto - part one of the srimad bhagavatam,
  4. the bhagavad gita chapter 4,
  5. I also read the mystical teachings of queen kunti,

The book of queen kunti I started reading it after I was initiated by you, since the tests began,

the biggest test was that I could not get up early for the morning program that you do virtually, apparently after so much struggle and many prayers to Mr. Nrisimha , I am more stable in my service.

HpS - Wonderful. Santa Teresa of Avila is pleased with you!!

I sing and pray to Lord Nrisimha for your health so that you can continue the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya under the guidance of Srila Prabhupada, I also pray that you protect his devotional service.

I hope that when you read this letter you are feeling very well, these are my wishes, since your being well makes me very happy.

Your would-be maid

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Where are you? Who are your associates? How do your maintain yourself? What is your Sankirtan? 🙂

Thank you!

Be a Great Saint