dct [sa] 9

1 year, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

🐵 🐒 - Tom Brown,

🐷 🐖 - Buck White,

🔬 - Uncle Gismo et al,

offering their obeisances to Srila Srila Prabhupada and asking His Divine Grace to serve in his Sankirtan, Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan.

Now the Sun is at 4.41 Post Meridian and has disappeared from our vision, but officially Sunset is 5.22PM here in Nila-madhava Dhama, ISKCON Houston.

We just finished 1.08 hours.minutes conversation with ArtDas about NIOS, ASA, and a little about management points in ISKCON Peru.

We have suggested to the NIOS Board of Directors that they Dissolve the Corporation unless at least five Directors swear on a pile of SP's BBT books one feet tall that they will do three things for NIOS every year:

  1. Have Annual Board of Directors Meeting to review actions of the Officers for the previous year and give direction to the Officers for the following year.
  2. Make annual filing to the Secretary of State of Tennessee for NIOS.
  3. Make annual filing with the federal, national, Internal Revenue Service.

Also, that H. H. Robinson is officially resigning from all formal management posts in NIOS on 2024 January 12, but will be fully available for any service in concordance with his capacity. Of course, mostly offering advice, perspective.

  • We have 15/16 rounds done.
  • We over-ate like 13% at breakfast, but was 25% yesterday!
  • We should send short notes to RKD, Bh. Guimo, check the rest of the WhatsApp mail (that's why we called the Thakur), and walk to The Temple about 5.30PM for Gayatri in front of Srila Prabhupada, Kirtan for Radha Nila-madhava, and take rest about 9PM.
  • Tomorrow or Monday we should be able to make some more contribution to the administrative situation in Peru with communications with Daru-krsna Das, Karuna-krsna Das and Mathuresa Das, posting some more of our perspective as Sannyasi here.

"The conclusion is that diplomacy used for the service of the Lord is a form of devotional service." (https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/madhya/12/44/)

Thank you.