Karuna Mayi Report

10 months, 1 week ago by karunamayi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You say that the body is a disease, I ask Your Lordships to always protect it, and that despite adversity, you are as always, enthusiastic in your sankirtan.

HpS - Protect our disease? 🙂

Yet, our Lordships can use it for a tool in this world, no?

Thank you.

The last time I wrote to you was when I was in Brazil, since then I have been painting a lot. At the request of devotees I was even able to paint Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra on the kitchen wall of the Ciudad del Este temple in Paraguay before traveling to the Bahamas.

ASA - 😯

Wonderful! How many people will see Them and be happy?!

Now I'm in the Bahamas working, Sita Lalita (my daughter) has also been here for a while, and she found a job for me. We live nearby but we see each other once a week on our day off…

We are going to be here for a while, maybe in the future we can settle somewhere, we are evaluating where to establish a base, and if we can travel from time to time...

I continue with my daily sadhana 16 rounds, 4 principles, gayatris, S.B, I make a bhoga offering for Krsna - Balarama - Giriraja, and Nrsimhadeva for photos…

On Saturdays I do a Manasa puja to Nrsimhadeva and also sing His mantras on the recommendation of the astrologer.

I continue working with my mind, when I look inside I usually don't like what I see, I hope to be a better person soon.

HpS - Some of this craziness will continue until Bhava, completely mad for Krsna, but even now we can tolerate it if we are engaged in service, no?

In October 2024, during my vacation, I hope to be able to see you again in India (I hope) and perform practical service for you, perhaps cook for you as before.

HpS - 🙂

We hope to see everyone in Nabadvipa in our next life time with Nimai!

Gurudeva, I have a question. Is suffering necessary for our spiritual advancement? A while ago you asked me if I wanted to be like Kunti or Draupadi. Despite all the hardships they went through, they never stopped taking refuge in Krsna.

HpS - We are sick and the bitter medicine is making us better. We are happy to take the bitter medicine.

When we are advanced the suffering is very wonderful. Separation of Sita, Visnu-priya, from their husbands was very intense, wonderful. They obtained a connection with them even more intense than they were with Them.

On spiritual platform the suffering enhances the enjoyment eg. meeting, and we actually enjoy both at the same time.

Someone we love has big moral problems! We may think, this had to come. It can happen to me just as well. Now they can get free from this attachment forever.

Here I send you some photos of the paintings I made, because you asked me for them in the response to my previous letter.

HpS - Thank you!!! They are wonderful! 👍 👍 👍

How is Mrs. Sita-lalita Devi Dasi?

Please forgive my offenses.

May Krishna, Balarama and Giriraja always protect you.

           karuna Mayi devi dasi.

                            kmdd 🐒


Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. 

Usted dice que el cuerpo es una enfermedad, ruego a Sus Señorías que siempre lo proteja, y que a pesar de las adversidades, Usted se encuentre como siempre, entusiasta en su sankirtan.

La última vez que le escribí fué cuando estaba en Brasil, desde entonces estuve pintando mucho, por pedidos de los devotos incluso pude pintar Jagannath, Baladeva y Subhadra en la pared de la cocina del templo de Ciudad del Este en Paraguay antes de viajar a Bahamas. 

Ahora estoy en Bahamas trabajando, aquí también está Sita Lalita (mi hija) ya hace un tiempo, y ella encontró un trabajo para mí. Vivimos cerca pero nos vemos una vez a la semana en nuestro día libre…

Vamos a estar un tiempo aquí, quizás a futuro podamos establecernos en algún lugar, estamos evaluando dónde establecer un base, y si se puede viajar de vez en cuando…

Yo continuo con mi sadhana diario 16 rondas, 4 principios, gayatris, S.B, hago una ofrenda de bhoga para Krsna - Balarama - Giriraja, y Nrsimhadeva por fotos… 

Los sábados hago un manasa puja a Nrsimhadeva y tambien canto sus mantras por recomendación del astrólogo. 

Sigo trabajando con mi mente, cuando miro hacia adentro no me suele gustar lo que veo, espero ser mejor persona pronto. 

En octubre 2024, en mis vacaciones espero poder volver a verlo en India (espero) y realizar servicio práctico para Usted, quizás cocinarle como antes. 

Gurudeva, tengo una pregunta. ¿Es necesario el sufrimiento para nuestro avance espiritual? Usted hace un tiempo me preguntó, si quería ser como Kunti o Draupadi. Ellas a pesar de todas las penurias que pasaron, nunca dejaron de refugiarse en Krsna.

Aquí le envío algunas fotos de las pinturas que hice, porque usted me las pidió en la respuesta a mi carta anterior.

Por favor perdona mis ofensas.

Que krsna, Balarama y Giriraja siempre lo protejan.

              karuna Mayi devi dasi.

                           kmdd 🐒