Llegó la misericordia Mahārāja

Por favor acepte mis Dandavats Praṇāmas Gurvdeva.

Espero que ese 75% de salud halla aumentado, mi salud está bien.

No he dejado de cantar, aunque sigo debiendo Los 3 días, osea 48 rondas, espero ponerme al corriente.

Por la misericordia de Śrī Kṛṣṇa llegaron a casa las Deidades que tanto deseaba, son Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara de metal. Estoy adorandolas desde hace 4 días, investigue como purificar manos y boca para tocarlas y hago Mangala ārātika y las duermo por la tarde -noche, aunque les falta ropa y parafernalia.

Encontré un trabajo que me ha permitido juntar dinero para poner luces al altar y mejorarlo, así como adquirir las Deidades, aunque me absorbe tiempo, por tal motivo ya no puedo ir al templo tanto como antes, pero seguimos adorando en casa.

Estaba tomando mi curso de Gurv- discípulo con Prabhu Vanamali pero me quitaron el internet y se me descompuso el celular casi el mismo día, y ya no lo pude seguir las pasadas semanas, ya le había comentado, recién tengo otra vez ambas cosas (teléfono e internet), sigo viendo las clases de Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja que son extaticas.

Me preguntó UD. Sobre mi relación con las autoridades del templo:

Creo debe ser buena, aunque no he podido explicar a Prabhu Vanamali por qué no seguí tomando el Curso, pero nunca he ofendido o fallado al Devoto, lo conozco desde que el era bhakta y nos llevamos bien, con Madre Anurhada también la relación es buena y de respeto, y con mis demás hermanos creo que hay aprecio y cariño.

Madre Astashaki creo está preocupada porque a veces voy a la Gauḍīya Matha, porque allí lo jalan a uno a iniciase muy fácil, pero yo tengo bien firme mi amor por UD. No tengo ninguna duda, soy su Sirviente eterno, por eso me cualifico para servir a Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja.

En Gauḍīya Matha tengo asociados Vaiṣṇavas favorables que conozco de hace 23 años, asistían a ISKCON Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla y luego se fueron con Vanna Gosvāmī Mahārāja, a veces voy a su restaurante o a sus festivales, pero no me interesa iniciarme en ningún lugar que no sea la familia Prabhupādanuga de UD. Mahārāja.

Por otro lado hay un Devoto mayor que yo, se llama Ambarish, me pidió quedarse en mi casa unos días, accedí por ser Devoto mayor pero ya estando instalado me comentó que lo corrieron del templo por tocar maliciosamente a madre Anurādhā, aunque dice es un malentendido, ya estaba en casa, así que lo deje quedarse, pero no sé si sea bueno. Indíqueme que hacer Mahārāja por favor.

He estado viendo sus filmes.

Que son muy extáticos y amenos.

Gracias por tanto servicio y amor Mahārāja.

En mi corazón siempre está UD.

Que Kṛṣṇa le de mucha más Luz.

Todas las Glorias a Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Gaurā Premanande!!!!


Please accept my Gurvdeva Praṇāmas Dandavats.

I hope that 75% health has increased, my health is fine.

I haven't stopped singing, although I still owe the 3 days, that is 48 rounds, I hope to catch up.

HpS - AgtSP! Bhadra vardana Das B'cari suggested to us to catch up four rounds every day for a few days.

By the mercy of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Deities that he so desired came home, they are Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara made of metal.

I have been worshiping them for 4 days,

I researched how to purify hands and mouth to touch them and I do Mangala ārātika and I put them to sleep in the afternoon - night, although they lack clothes and paraphernalia.

HpS - Sounds nice! Love, cleanliness, punctuality, paraphernalia and detailed rituals.

I found a job that has allowed me to raise money to put lights on the altar and improve it, as well as acquire the Deities, although it takes up my time, for this reason I can no longer go to the temple as much as before, but we continue worshiping at home.

HpS - Listen to people you contact during work and then use the answer to Arjuna's question, https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/10/17/, to preach to them!

😎 🌈 🌬

I was taking my Guru-disciple course with Prabhu Vanamali but they cut off my internet and my cell phone broke down almost the same day, and I couldn't follow it for the past few weeks, I had already told you, I just have both things again (phone and internet), I keep watching Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja's classes that are ecstatic.

You asked me. About my relationship with the temple authorities:

I think it must be good, although I have not been able to explain to Prabhu Vanamali why I did not continue taking the Course, but I have never offended or failed the Devotee, I have known him since he was a Bhakta and we get along well, with Mother Anurhada the relationship is also good and respect, and with my other brothers I think there is appreciation and affection.

HpS - Perfect. Iskcon means friendships before politics, no?

Mother Astashaki, I think she is worried because sometimes I go to the Gauḍīya Matha, because there they pull you to start very easily, but I have very firm love for you. I have no doubt, I am his eternal Servant, that is why I qualify to serve Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja.

In Gauḍīya Matha I have favorable Vaiṣṇava associates whom I have known for 23 years, they attended ISKCON Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla and then went with Vanna Gosvāmī Mahārāja, sometimes I go to their restaurant or their festivals, but I am not interested in getting initiated anywhere not be the Prabhupādanuga family of UD. Mahārāja.

HpS - Yes, we should respect all kinds of devotees such as Muslim, Christian, Ramanuja Acharya, Vrnda et al. Yet as you say, we have to learn to distinguish in which school we want to matriculate.

On the other hand, there is a Devotee older than me, his name is Ambarish, he asked me to stay at my house for a few days, I agreed because he was an older Devotee, but once I was installed he told me that they kicked him out of the temple for maliciously touching mother Anurādhā, although he says he is a misunderstanding, he was already home, so I let him stay, but I don't know if it's good. Please tell me what to do Mahārāja.

HpS - I don't know the devotee or the details!!!

I've been watching your films. Which are very ecstatic and enjoyable.

ASA/HpS - We are technical advisor, and member of the ASA Sankirtan party, but they are Diarys of Tom Brown, Director is Raul, Director of Photography is Pablo, Producer is Abhirama th Das. Unit director for Spain is Ambarisha Das (Argentina) and Vrsabhanu nandini Devi Dasi!! Adi rasa, Sita lalita, Prema murti .... So many even more important!

🐷 🐶 🐵 🐰 👨 👩 🦁 😺 🐐 🐮 🔬

Thank you for so much service and love Mahārāja.

HpS - We are a 👹 that Srila Prabhupada has made into a little bit useful, but arrogant,instrument.


You are always in my heart.

May Kṛṣṇa give you much more Light.

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Gaurā Premanande!!!!