Outer covering

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

H.P.S. 16/4 done roughly is to remove the outer covering of the shell?

Dear Maharaja:

Despite our insufficient experience, I humbly interpret the action - abrupt - to try to remove the outer cover. It is inefficient. The percussive intensity with which we would apply ourselves in 16/4 would be consistent with time, place and particular circumstances. But never abruptly.

We understand by faith that the fundamental medicine is the Maha Mantra and that the diet is prasadam. So, if we apply ourselves to chanting correctly and taking prasadam, all the good qualities will be added. Without abruptness.

“Prabhupada ordered everyone to chant sixteen rounds a day. This is a fact: we chant Hare Krsna because Prabhupada ordered us to. Although the name of Krsna is completely nectarean and we should chant it spontaneously, we actually chant it under the order of our spiritual master. And whatever sweet taste we progressively get from chanting, we also know that it is due to the mercy of our spiritual master, who has given us hari-nama.” (Satsvarupa dasa Goswami. Reformatory japa manual)


Maharaja... just a few hours after receiving the corresponding response to my last letter. -Infinite thanks for your kind attention-. I dreamed of you. It was a very short and abstract lucid dream in terms of scenery.

A landscape of extensive caverns with wide, high entrances, from somewhere in the Colorado Canyon or something. Maybe another planet.

There was no dialogue, but we knew the reason for that meeting. His body did not look like his current body, but we knew who we were and what we were for. You would give me flight instructions, but you let me know that the real reason for the meeting was not to instruct me how to fly, but rather, the purpose was for me to learn how to fall.

My translator is Google Translate.

See you always then dear Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. TgSP

Hare Krsna

ENC das

HpS/ASA - Thank you.

Radha-vallabha Das, who was English student for Bachelor's diploma in the university gave me a copy of "On Writing Well". It was regular university text. Sold many, man copies, was well written, and a great help to me.

You should write more?

For broader distribution?

One of the points he made was that when we are writing really good stuff, we should probably reread/rewrite immediately after writing.

Then, after a few hours. Then afte about two weeks.

His point was, and I really see it, that many of the ideas that I have that go along with my words are there in my head while I am reading what I wrote.

Yet after two weeks I forget my ideas and read what I wrote like my audience, who are not mind readers.

It is so amazing.

When I do that I laugh and ask myself, "What was I thinking when I wrote that!"

Also, I grew up along the Colorado River in Arizona!

Hope to see wonderful art from you!!!!!!


Hare Krishna Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

¿16/4 hecho con brusquedad es quitar la cubierta exterior del caparazón? HPS

Querido Maharaja:

Pese a nuestra insuficiente experiencia, interpreto con humildad que la acción –brusca- por intentar quitar la cubierta exterior. Resulta ineficiente. La intensidad percutiente con la que nos aplicaríamos en 16/4 resultarían acordes a tiempo lugar y circunstancias en particular. Pero nunca con brusquedad.

Entendemos por fe, que la medicina fundamental es el Maha Mantra y que la dieta es el prasadam. De manera que, si nos aplicamos en el canto correctamente y a tomar prasadam, todas las buenas cualidades se darán por añadidura. Sin brusquedad.


“Prabhupada ordenó a todos cantar dieciséis rondas al día. Esto es un hecho: cantamos Hare Krsna por que Prabhupada nos lo ordenó. Aunque el nombre de Krsna es totalmente nectáreo y deberíamos cantarlo espontáneamente, en realidad lo cantamos bajo la orden de nuestro maestro espiritual. Y cualquier sabor dulce que obtengamos progresivamente del cantar, también sabemos que se debe a la misericordia de nuestro maestro espiritual, quien nos ha dado el hari-nama”. (Satsvarupa dasa Goswami. Manual reformatorio de japa)


 Maharaja… apenas unas horas después de recibir la correspondiente respuesta a mi última carta. -Infinitas gracias por su amable atención-. Soñé con Usted. Fue un sueño lúcido muy corto y abstracto en cuanto a la escenografía.

 Un paisaje de cavernas extensas con amplias y altas entradas, de algún lugar en el Cañón del Colorado o algo así. Quizá otro planeta.

 No hubo diálogo, pero conocíamos el motivo de ese encuentro. Su cuerpo no presentaba el aspecto de su cuerpo actual, pero sabíamos quiénes éramos y para que estábamos. Usted me daría instrucciones de vuelo, pero me hacía saber que no era la verdadera razón del encuentro el de instruirme para volar, sino que, mas bien, el propósito consistía en que yo aprendiese como tener que caer.

Mi traductor es el traslate de google .

Hasta siempre entonces querido Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. TgSP

Hare Krisna

ENC das