details of sadhana

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj Dandvat Pranam,
We understand that you must be busy in Chicalyo, Peru and would expanding Sankirtana movement. this is rural community project under Radha Nath Swami [near mumbai].
it may help you for Chicalyo project {our humble thought].

Japa 16 rounds for last two weeks. two days rounds became 14 we made 18 next. so we are convering up. we are looking to chant quality rounds as compared to quantity,

morning program : 4 days out of 14 we did not do it as we left Kasipu {bed] after braham muhrta.
otherwise we read/sing  guru astaka + nrsimha puja + sistastakam + tulsi  at {430 am, 500 am worst case 530 am}.. we need to be more regulated, but we are improving

1. is it neccessary to do  photo/murti worship in morning program to become formal aspirant?

ASA - AGTSP   Yes, but can be simple.  See that the area for your Photo, Ista devata, Prabhupada, Pancha-tattva, Bhagavan, is clean and then regularly offer little incense and a flower and some bhoga.

Note:we will improve our japa quality also.

Prasdam: we are taking cucumber, carrot, papad and milk products based diet. as we dont know cooking and we dont have time for proper cooking.

ASA - Just think  that now Pancha Tattva (Srila Prabhupada) are now with us on Sankirtana and we eat what we offer to Them.  Then you will learn to everything nicely.

Sankirtana: 1. gifted one gujarati book to shop keeper [5th grade pass].
                 2. Working on thesis but would need more mercy and inteligence to fight [veda-vada-rata and maya-aprihat-gyana] professors. we are realizing that we are not very studious  but we would try to mould ourselves to serve guru parampara to best in this field.
               3. We hope that articles send by our robot are useful to you.

aspiring to be discplined by you,
bhakta harsh

HpS - ASA  ---  SUUUUPER!   Srila Prabhupada also said that he was not a great scholar.    We already looked at the Eco Village link. It is very nice.  Some aspects we are considering in terms of Chiclayo!!