ASA Distant Plans

1 year, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Dear Maharaj, PAMHO AGTSP! We are going to Chennai to visit Subhadra-mayi Devi Dasi. Maharaj what is your plan after Vyasa Puja in Houston? When are you going to Boro? YS SHD




So nice to talk with you this morning.

Is SMDD in contact with Sugopi-radha Devi Dasi here in Texas?

What are your plans? Career? Retiring? NIOS?

We erred in not putting Distant Plans in the Kapi Dhvaja ( Here they are:

Krta-karma Das told us that he had just heard a tape where SP said, "So, you can make plans for serving Krsna, but better to just chant HK".

NoI 1 mentions "However, if one always thinks of Kṛṣṇa and how to serve Kṛṣṇa best, one’s mind will naturally be controlled". This seems to imply making plans: Daily schedules, calendars etc.

Of course, best if we let our our Hari-kirtan, Sadhu-sanga, develop these, no?

We can use plans as perspectives on how to live in the present moment.


This world is duḥkhalayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15), unpredictable, especially in old-age, no?

Our immediate and long range plan is to be always chanting Holy Names from the core of our heart, at the lotus feet of SP.

However, we guess that we will be Camped here in Houston at the address mentioned in the Kapi Dhvaja, until late February, Nitya ananda trayodasi.

Then head back to the Boro for at least a month.

What will be the condition of your body and mind by then?

Daily our body, heart, hearing, are disintegrating.

Are we generating our next body?

"Is there any man who can say, 'This is not my last breath'", WRSPS

We think that if we have a NIOS Campus under practical development, regular Mangala-arati, Full Morning Service (with Radha Natabara?), then we could just stay there until our current body fails and the ashes can go back to Braja in a jar?


On the other hand (I think we all have four of them, no?) we could see staying for a month in the Boro, and then going to Spain with everyone for a some time and then ??? on to Braja. That would be like after Gaura-purnima.

Real key thing for our stability and NIOS's development is a community Mangala-arati, Kirtan, reading SB etc.

We should plan on living in the country and visiting the city, no?


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