enjoying the holy name

1 year ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva.


We will be quick so that your bodily eyes are not strained.

We request you to use speech to text for writing replies.

HpS - Thank you. Send more suggestions as they occur. Takes more energy for us speak than type. That is why we don't talk on phone too much.

"We think we are enjoying holy name, can you write in detail for humanity and us --

how do we serve holy name? what are ways we can enjoy holyname ?"

ASA - Serve Holy Name by Chanting, He.

HK HK KK HH... !!!

With attention and meaning!! Meeening!

"Oh, Radha, please pray to Rama/Krsna to help us with our Sankirtan".






2) We don't want to enjoy the Holy Names, no? Serve them.

Chant more clearly. Chant louder. Chant and Dance.

Do some Karma yoga while we chant. Eg. Cook for Krsna while you chant. Chant while you draw. Chant from your heart while your mind plans. Play recording while you answer mail.

trying to be Das of (Hayagriva Avatar) or ( just HpS Swami and parampara).

HpS/ASA - Trying to follow your examples in many ways. What do you think of Ganesha? Thank you for all the ISKCON India work!!!!!!!
