Nitya Kiśori devī dāsī reporting

12 years, 5 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Gurudeva, my name's meaning is: Nitya= eternal, Kiśori= Radhe in a young age? Like teenager? so servant of Radharani who is eternally in the age of kisori?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho Yes, Radha-Krsna can exist in many different ages, but the basic one is Kishore, 10-15 years old. I think Radharanis eternal Kishor age is 14-1/2 years old!

Thank you very much for accepting me into the family of Srila Prabhupada. 16 enthusiastic rounds, 4 regulative principles strictly every day! and going back to Krsna is guaranteed, isn't it?

HpS - In NOI Srila Prabhupada says that one is sure to come to the stage of Uttama-adhikari!

I am going to Chiclayo until the 11th (the 18th I have to go to Mexico for my training with P.Aravinda in sankirtan, Bhakti Sastri, very nice for after taking initiation, I guess). During the time I will be in Chiclayo can I have a little interview? I will try to don't give trouble, try to simply follow the process and become your servant, Srila Prabhupada servant, devotees servant, Krsna's servant. Can you ask to Krsna to give me inteligence to become a loving servant? Thank you very much Your eternal servant, Nitya Kiśori devī dāsī

HpS - AGTSP It was very nice to have association of you and your brother here! As we discussed if your spiritual life advances, like Arjuna, you will automatically develop a career that will be obvious both in the spiritual and material world. Arjuna was a Ksatriya from both the Material and Spiritual perspective.
Second point was to be flexible and try different services to see what is your inclination for your Professional Devotional Service.