More Dandavat Pranam from Manipuri devotees

1 year, 2 months ago by sadhubhusandas@bsds in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

{Last night, in my dream, Maharaj [H. H. B. S Damodara Swami? or us?] was present in the Brahmachari Ashram of ISKCON Manipur, and Maharaj was trying to send some messages to your Blog from my computer and you were indicating me to send it.}

Maharaj, it’s you I was seeing in the dream.

HpS - AgtSP~ Amazing. Being able to visit the B'cari ashrama in Manipur is a great honor in any way.

KRSNA book is full of Krsna and His soldiers fighting with demons like Jarasandha, and not a single soldier of Krsna's getting killed. Of course, dying for Krsna, might be even more desireable.

Thank you very much for the wonderful and very valuable guidance you have given me in your response to my last letter. I was reading it again and again with my devotee friends. Please bless me Maharaj so that I may continue serving Srila Prabhupada more and more enthusiastically.

H. H. Haridasa Maharaj and myself, we are going to Bali on 26th of this month. We may be coming back to India in the last week of January 2024.

HpS - One month.

We remember that Srila Prabhupada said, that first they will laugh at our preaching, then they will try to destroy us, and finally they want to listen to us.

It seems that ISKCON is starting to move into the 3rd phase.

In the first phase we have to tolerate humiliation.

In the second getting killed.

In the 3rd, we really have to know our culture, SB, and be able to give professional advice on that basis!

The speeches of Maharaja Prthu for political science, and Lord Kapila's Sankhya for physical science etc. 👍

Maharaj, thank you once again for your love and concern for this lowly servant of yours. Hope to see you soon again in Manipur.

Your servant

Sadhubhusan Das


HpS - I know of no place else like Manipura except Vraja itself. Both are worth dying for, no?