Querido Gurudeva

1 year, 1 month ago by muraridas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean Srila Prabhupada!

 Hace tiempo que estoy pensando en escribir, pero la verdad es que la vida nos está haciendo movernos mucho y pensar poco , de mayo a diciembre habremos estado en cuatro diferentes sitios. Espero que la casa al pie de la montaña y con cinco pies de nieve me ayude a calmar la mente.

Por lo demás, cuando tenemos un momento libre, después de terminar las rondas, estamos estudiando astrología y continuando con aprendizaje de mantras para sacrificios de fuego

La finalidad es, la prédica en un principio la la próxima primavera puede ser un buen momento para empezar a dar pequeños seminarios acerca de estas otras ramas de la filosofía Vedica para poder atraer a gente interesada y llevarlos al canto de los Santos Nombres

Me gustan los seminarios que hacen unos devotos de Perú Ramanuja y Devarshi Naradha Prabhu que podría replicar aquí en inglés hay mucho trabajo ya hecho es cuestión de adaptarlo y poniéndolo a trabajar y ver si funciona si no también están las opciones de internet

No tenemos pensado parar en esta vida

 de una otra manera, siempre bajo su inspiración

Y como meta el que usted se sienta orgulloso de nuestro servicio 

Además, estamos haciendo Homeschool para Jahnavi completo y  para Sita es escuela , kindergarten,sin quitarle un ojo a nuestro pequeño Guerrero Arjuna

Así es como


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories be Srila Prabhupada!

 I have been thinking about writing for a long time, but the truth is that life is making us move a lot and think little, from May to December we will have been in four different places. I hope that the house at the foot of the mountain and with five feet of snow will help calm my mind.

HpS/ASA - Five, agtSP, feet!

For the rest, when we have a free moment, after finishing the rounds, we are studying astrology and continuing with learning mantras for fire sacrifices.

The purpose is, preaching, initially next spring may be a good time to start giving small seminars about these other branches of Vedic philosophy in order to attract interested people and lead them to the chanting of the Holy Names.

HpS/ASA - From what I understand H. H. Bhanu Swami does the same.

I like the seminars given by some devotees from Peru, Ramanuja and Devarshi Naradha Prabhu, which I could replicate here in English. There is a lot of work already done. It is a matter of adapting it and putting it to work and seeing if it works. If not, there are also internet options.

We do not plan to stop in this life.

In another way, always under your inspiration.

And as a goal, we hope that you feel proud of our service.

HpS/ASA - 😐

We always hope that, by His Divine Grace, we can contribute something unique to Radha and Krsna's pastimes.

In addition, we are doing Homeschool for Jahnavi completely, and for Sita it is school, kindergarten, without taking an eye off our Little Warrior, Arjuna.

HpS - Just imagine what potential you would have had if you had advantage of this philosophy as you grew up! Second generation!

Whatever happened to your two daughters in Spain???

This is how, thanks to your blessings, we are going through this period of life in the most honorable way possible.

HpS - AgtSP!. When we drop a little rock in the still water it sends ripples out. We may be small but Radharani, Lord Nityananda, are expert at using every little screw in the BIG MACHINE, no?

His servant Murari Das,

HpS - No fotos!! Please send some fotos as you can.