Hare Krishna

1 year, 1 month ago by agustina.abalos in Other

Hare Krishna maharaj mis reverencias 

Se que hace mucho que no escribo y quería pedirle disculpas por eso, y también quería dar mi reporte de estos últimos meses, en febrero viaje a Irlanda de el norte, estuve trabajando algunos meses en un pueblo que se llama portrush es muy pequeño pero muy bonito, lo triste es que estaba lejos de la asociación con los devotos y algunas veces me sentía un poco desmotivada y también un poco perdida, dentro de mis posibilidades me mantuve en contacto con una devota mayor que conocí cuando estaba en bhaktivedanta manor y también seguía los programas por la mañana desde mi ordenador, mis rondas no siempre fueron perfectas y a veces me costaba levantarme temprano por que algunas noches salía tarde de trabajar y mi cuerpo se sentía cansado, hace algunas semanas volví a nanda gram y al tener asociación con los devotos me hizo sentir un poco mejor, aunque es un poco distinto a lo que me acostumbre y la falta de privacidad me está haciendo pensar un poco en que pasos debería tomar en torno a mi camino y que hacer. 

Le dejo unas fotos de hoy mis reverencias y espero que esté bien de salud 🙏🏻


Hare Krishna, maharaj my obeisances.

HpS - By the His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada, our respects to you!

I know that it has been a long time since I wrote and I wanted to apologize for that, and I also wanted to give my report on these last few months.

In February I traveled to Northern Ireland, I was working for a few months in a town called Portrush, it is very small but very nice, the sad thing is that I was away from the association with the devotees and sometimes I felt a little unmotivated and also a little lost, within my means I kept in touch with an older devotee whom I met when I was in Bhaktivedanta Manor and she was also still programs in the morning from my computer, my rounds were not always perfect and sometimes it was difficult for me to get up early because some nights I left work late and my body felt tired.

A few weeks ago I returned to Nanda-gram and having association with the devotees, it made me feel a little better, although it's a little different than what I'm used to and the lack of privacy is making me think a little about what steps I should take around my path and what to do.

HpS - Yes. We have also had similar experiences. Sometimes very lonely, but we had our Deity of Lord Nrsmhadeva with us and would do Mangala arati and Gaura arti for Him and read Him stories from the KRSNA book, so although it was tough we could make it through.

All this is preparation for death when we become very morose, and we need cheerful connection with our Dieties to learn to live again in that private atmosphere!

I leave you some photos of my bows today and I hope you are in good health.

HpS - That's all! 😃

What, where, how, who is Nanda-gram?

Are you getting secret internal wisdom and power to communicate the spiritual world into whomever you meet?

Are you always following behind Lord Nityananda?