An Apology

1 year, 3 months ago by milan in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaj ji ,

Hare Krishna, everyone,

HpS, AGTSP! Thank you for your letter and work in this area.

As I know, the etiquette would be for you to address me as, 'Maharaja' and not "Guru Maharaja", although as far as I am concerned, I am just trying to be your servant by mercy of Guru and Gauranga.

In the past few weeks, our community, particularly the Peruvian ISKCON community, has experienced a period of tension and chaos. Unfortunately, a similar situation unfolded within my own community and family. As Many of you are likely aware of the circumstances surrounding the affairs of Mata Nadia Nivasi Devi Dasi from Lima, Peru, and myself, Milan Rai, from Puri, India.

This personal matter escalated into a tense situation due to emotional instability on both sides, preventing any meaningful conversation. Consequently, contacts were blocked, and the issue became public, impacting not only the individuals involved but also many members of our community. It is regrettable that our immature decisions dragged many of you unintentionally into our personal situation. Your valuable time and energy were invested in resolving our personal problems, leading to unpleasant questioning sessions for some.

The involvement of others in our private matter is regrettable, and we acknowledge the negative consequences of our actions. The damage has been done to both sides, causing mental, spiritual, and psychological distress over the past three weeks. At this point, both of us seek peace and healing for ourselves. The immature behavior on both sides even stressed Guru Maharaj ji, and this unfortunate situation unfolded during the auspicious month of Damodar, which is truly regrettable.

Reflecting on the trouble caused, we recognize our fault and feel a deep sense of guilt. In light of this, we believe it is necessary to publicly apologize to everyone who was inadvertently drawn into this situation, who invested their time, and who experienced stress due to our personal issues.

Therefore, on behalf of both of us, I, Milan Rai, extend my sincere apologies to everyone affected by this situation. And It is crucial to emphasize that I harbor no hatred towards Mata Nadia, and I sincerely hope that she finds herself in a better state of mind now.

With humility and remorse,

Milan Rai

HpS // ASA - Thank you so much. We can only endorse your sentiments in so many ways. Srila Prabhupada directly echoes the comment that we should not always be disturbed by failures because they can be the stepping stones to ultimate success.

There is also a comment from Srimati Nadiya. So we will look to that.

Of course, this Blog is a place for further discussion on the general points involved, and as we might be able to help with details we can move into private discussions with proper association.