Goswami Bhatt Gopal Das Report

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Guru Maharaj, dandavat pranaam Gurudeva.          I am going to my home town Imphal (Manipur) on 8/11/2023 and expect to come back to Vrindavan in Feb.2024. This is for your kind information. And excuse me for not using "Blog" as this happens to be a new thing to me for this time. I feel it very sorry on my part.              Looking forward to your coming back to India - Vrindavan/Radhakund. I pray for your mercy, Gurudeva.    Hare Krishna.

HpS/ASA - Thank, agtSP, you! Thinking about you: What has happened to GBGD??

Thank you.

Take help from others and try to learn how to use this Blog.

We can use it in our next lifetime also.

Parrots carry news in Goloka!

2023 Nov. 8 is Ekadasi. Start your journey today!

Find some way to send news: Who are your teachers, partners and students in your Sankirtan.

16-nice rounds + 4-principles we are in touch!

Thank you!
