dtc mo[30]

1 year, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

hare krsna!



brown and white here.

it, sun's position, is 6.35pm now.

read the previous posts from today?

we, brother ass, have incipient chest pains. rather strained eyes, no head aches. little congested respiration.

same for you???

yet, KRSNA can put us in the mode of pure goodness at any moment. only one requirement, no material desires!

beyond that He can surcharge our body with non-material spiritual energy if we become Bhava Bhaktas!


We stop now and drive over to Good Will store. It is second-hand stuff. Very old stores. Good.

We are looking for second-hand suitcases to pack stuff for visit to Nila Madhava Dhama.

Has been raining so we take umbrella.

Is good.

Has been dry for a few days.

Washes car.

Also, chance to see 💥HUMAN BODYS💥!

Alone in the Boro for about a week now.

Abhi. Das and Sriman Abhaya dropped of some stuff but did not get a chance to see them

Trying to catch Abhi.Das when he gets home from work so that we can get Darsana of Radha Natabara and little association with him. Talk about Krsna/NIOS.


The packing is going well.

We keep making little adjustments: Arranging luggage, sorting stuff into groups. It is sorting out our life as well as things. What stuff will we leave behind for NIOS? Arrange and label it.

What stuff will we take to NMD as gifts, tools?

What will we take with us when we leave for our next body. . . Do you want to take your Japa Beads back to Goloka?

Enough for one day.

Don't want to burden you all with too much details.


Krsna Krsna // Hare Hare