Gratitude for Acknowledgment: A Heartfelt Thanks to Maharaj Ji

1 year, 4 months ago by ramesh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Maharaj Ji,

Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I offer my humble obeisances at your lotus feet, Maharaj Ji.

I am Milan. My heart was in constant pain. The situation in which that devotee placed me was beyond my threshold. Out of desperation, I wrote to you whatever came to my mind. Later, I realized that the format of my message was not proper. I also acknowledge that I could have conveyed the context more politely. However, at that emotional moment, I couldn't control what I was expressing. If any part of my text seemed disrespectful, I beg sincere apology.

HpS - AgtSP!!! Thank you. We certainly do not know that we are any better in our dealings. We are fortunate to have the association of such an Acharya as Srila Prabhupada.

Perhaps my approach was not the best way to convey my message. But I felt there was no other option for me, Maharaj Ji. . . . .

Men's mental health is in crisis, leading to many suicides. I, too, am a victim, and I felt it was Krishna's will for me to inform you.


Maharaj Ji, as in my previous post, you requested my email. Here it is. I would be immensely pleased to personally communicate with you.

WhatsApp: +91 637xxx

Sincerely, Milan

HpS - Thank you Milan. From what we have heard from about five different devotees involved in this situation, there is distress amongst many people involved.

We will make a discussion group on WhatsApp to see if we can help a little.

Right now, 7.46PM we are having strong headaches and should not really be doing this work, but of course we will try to do a little.

Hope to see you in WhatsApp, but again, the best help we can give, have received and tested is chant Hare Krsna continuously until Krsna gives us intelligence like He did in BG!

