Complaints About Disciple

1 year, 4 months ago by milan in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna, Maharaj ji. I know you are reading my letters. I just wanted to convey to you this message. I wanted to speak to you and got no other option. I let you know regarding the actions of your disciple, XXX, aged XX, from xxx.

You can speak to xxx regarding me.

I have all evidences supporting myself.

I am not lying Maharaj ji.

I just wanted to speak to you.

If you ever wish to speak to me, I have provided my mail id. Hare krishna r...

Bhakta Milan Ray

HpS / ASA - Thank Milan. Our Sannyasa Guru, H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami advised that in forums like this we can talk about general principles, but should now make strong criticisms of specific people. It is like what we would say during the moments together after the Sunday Feast lecture, when we gather around the Vyasa-asana with maybe 12-other devotees to discuss the general topics of the lecture in more detail with the speaker.

Prabhupada called such things, "Open Secrets".

We have received WhatsApp comments on your previous post from our disciple in question and two more devotees.

Of course, as Diksa guru, it is our responsibility to properly investigate criticism that disciples are not following initiation vows.

So it you want to discuss that among a proper group of Grhastha devotees and ourselves then we can see if someone is available.

Of course, there is immediately a problem because it is a bi-lingual situation, but seems Krsna will help us.

If yes, then please send us the email address that you want to use and we will not share it.

Thank you.

Hari Bolo!