
1 year, 4 months ago by claudia in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna 🙏

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada, todas las glorias a usted....

Aproximadamente llevo casi 3 años que escucho sus clases...desde tiempos de pandemia, y tuve el gusto de haberlo conocido personalmente en ciudad de México en el mes de marzo 2023...

Gurumaharaja aquí en León Guanajuato no hay muchos devotos, sin embargo hay dos lugares de predica,dónde nos reunimos para cantar los santos nombres,leemos el bhagavad gita y el Srimad Bhagavatam...

Hace más de 7 años que conozco conciencia de krishna, conocí el maha mantra por una discipula de nombre es Jaya prema sakhi (Julia cuellar) ella me platicaba respecto a krishna,me decia que el era Dios, también me enseño a cantar el maha mantra, después comencé a acudir a las clases y festivales....

Uno de esos lugares que le mencioné es con prabhu isvacu, ahí es donde acudo frecuentemente,y algunas veces me conecto de manera virtual,otras ocasiones voy a una comunidad en cueramaro gto México.... Es la comunidad más cercana,ahí hay un templo y un poco más de devotos...

En la empresa donde laboro,cada que se me da la oportunidad les platico de krishna y aprovecho para regalar un libro..

Una humilde servidora..

Claudia García


Hare Krishna 🙏

Please accept my most humble obeisances, all glories to Srila prabhupada, all glories to you....

I have been listening to his classes for approximately almost 3 years... since times of pandemic, and I had the pleasure of having met him personally in Mexico City in the month of March 2023...

Gurumaharaja, here in León Guanajuato there are not many devotees, however there are two preaching places, where we meet to chant the holy names, read the bhagavad gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam...

I have known Krishna Consciousness for more than 7 years. I learned about the Maha Mantra from one of your disciples...her name is Jaya Prema Sakhi (Julia Cuellar). She talked to me about Krishna and told me that he was God. She also taught me. to chant the maha mantra, then I started going to classes and festivals....

One of those places that I mentioned to you is with Prabhu Isvacu [Iksvaku], that is where I go frequently, and sometimes I connect virtually, other times I go to a community in Cueramaro Gto Mexico... It is the closest community, there is a temple and a little more devotees...

In the company where I work, every time I am given the opportunity I talk to them about Krishna and I take the opportunity to give away a book...

A humble servant...

Claudia Garcia

HpS/ASA - Thank you for this news. Just by seeing the smile, comportment, what to speak of their Kirtan and discussions of Krsna, people are benefitted.

Thank you.

This is happening from a previous life?

Who are your associates, family, work?

