[ASA Carnaval] – Reporte Pashankusha Ekadasi 2023

1 year ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy poderoso comandante Srila Prabhupada y todas las Glorias a su Trascendental ejercito!

Querido Gurudeva, gracias por diariamente alimentar nuestro entusiasmo, para intentar contribuir en la misión de nuestro misericordioso Acarya. Gracias por mantenernos activos en esta colosal institución.

Oramos porque la energía de su cuerpo sea buena y este recuperándose de las alergias y esperamos que su trabajo en el blog no sea demasiada carga para sus ojos. ¿El clima en su región le permite continuar con sus caminatas vespertinas? Gracias por enseñarnos a mantener el balance en servicio y autocuidado. 🙏

Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, con nuestro reporte de actividades.

Durante esta quincena Sus Sirvientes de ASA Carnaval, estuvimos un poco ocupados y no tenemos mucho que reportar:

*Isvari Radha Mataji, Abhinanda Prabhu y familia se mantienen firmes con las transmisiones de las clases sabatinas, aunque algunas veces experimentamos dificultades técnicas. Gurudeva, en su respuesta a nuestra carta anterior usted dijo que tal vez podría enviarnos los enlaces al terminar las clases, si no es molestia creemos que seria muy bueno.

-Respecto a los proyectos de “Contribuir directamente en la misión de Srila Prabhupada”, tal como usted sugirió:

*Hemos invitado a algunos devotos con cualidades artísticas para realizar videos cortos que ilustren oraciones del Srimad Bhagavatam (Kunti, Gajendra, Etc) Esperamos también poder hacer animaciones con teatro de sombras o títeres. Por su misericordia, varios devotos se han subido al barco, solo que los artistas necesitan un poco de tiempo 😊  

*También estamos convocando a algunos vaisnavas para grabar videos cortos recitando Slokas, principalmente los versos de apoyo para estudiantes Bhakti Sastri. Y a otros para realizar lecturas cortas de pasatiempos de Srila Prabhupada.

*Aún estamos diseñando el proyecto de grabar pasatiempos del Krsna book, en estilo Radio novela.

Todas las propuestas anteriores requieren de tiempo para poder florecer. Vamos con paso lento, pero sin pausa, rogamos sus bendiciones y guía e invitamos a todos los que deseen contribuir de algún modo a comunicarse con nosotros.


*Respecto a realizar lecturas de algunos de los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Tenemos conocimiento de que Mahalaksmi Mataji (de España) ha realizado un muy buen trabajo, con la autorización del BBT – España Aquí el enlace https://vrindavani.org/audiolibros

Por otra parte, Gurudeva, hasta ahora que usted ha sugerido el tema, me doy cuenta de lo poco que sé acerca del Sannyasa Dharma, parece que en el fondo tenía la tonta idea de “¡no me concierne!” y por lo tanto cuando leía al respecto, pasaba por ahí de forma superficial. Así que, para beneficio de todos, por favor permítame preguntarle ¿Por qué es relevante para todos, conocer los aspectos del Sannyasa Dharma? Y ¿A quienes podríamos recurrir para estudiar este tema en los significados de Srila Prabhupada?

Por ahora, ese es nuestro pequeño reporte, apreciamos que hay mucho trabajo por hacer, y por su misericordia sin causa nos mantenemos en la lucha. Muchas, muchas, muchas gracias por todo lo que hace por nosotros Gurudeva. 🙇

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval


Enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻




Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


Correo:📨 [email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna! Dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories be to our very powerful commander Srila Prabhupada and all Glories to his Transcendental Army!

Dear Gurudeva, thank you for daily feeding our enthusiasm, to try to contribute to the mission of our merciful Acarya. Thank you for keeping us active in this colossal institution.

HpS - Same to you all!!!!

We pray that the energy in his body is good and that he is recovering from allergies and we hope that his work on the Blog will not be too much of a burden on his eyes. Does the weather in your region allow you to continue your evening walks? Thank you for teaching us to maintain balance in service and self-care. 🙏

HpS - We go walking. Yet is not too cold.

Allergy is very less but having fight with headaches, and some chest pains.

Krsna's arrangment, old age, pushing us to prioritize!

Just same for you, no?

I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team, with our activity report.

During this fortnight, Your Servants of ASA Carnival, we were a little busy and we don't have much to report:

*Isvari Radha Mataji, Abhinanda Prabhu and family remain steadfast with the Saturday class broadcasts, although we sometimes experience technical difficulties. Gurudeva, in his response to our previous letter you said that perhaps you could send us the links at the end of classes, if you don't mind we think that would be very good.

HpS - We have tried to access the Class History but it does not work for us! We tried contacting GoTo but could not get past the robot!

We hot notification on Yahoo mail of last recorded class and through that we were able to open the interface, but it was not (!!) good. Still, as you know, we sent what seemed to be the download link to you by WhatsApp. Please write here if it doesn't work.

-Regarding the projects of “Contributing directly to Srila Prabhupada's mission”, as you suggested:

*We have invited some devotees with artistic qualities to make short videos that illustrate prayers from Srimad Bhagavatam (Kunti, Gajendra, Etc.) We also hope to be able to make animations with shadow theater or puppets. By his mercy, several devotees have boarded the boat, it's just that the artists need a little time 😊

HpS - Contacting Jagat-pavitram Das?

*We are also calling on some Vaisnavas to record short videos reciting Slokas, mainly the supporting verses for Bhakti Sastri students. And others to do short readings of Srila Prabhupada's pastimes.

*We are still designing the project of recording pastimes of the Krsna book, in Radio novel style.

All of the above proposals require time to flourish. We go slowly but surely, we ask for your blessings and guidance and we invite everyone who wishes to contribute in some way to contact us.

HpS - Wonderful. Is so nice to just listen to SP's books some times. So, nice.


*Regarding reading some of Srila Prabhupada's books. We are aware that Mahalaksmi Mataji (from Spain) has done a very good job, with the authorization of the BBT – Spain Here is the link https://vrindavani.org/audiolibros

ASA - She is wonderful person. She makes the title "Mataji" equal to the title "Maharaja".

On the other hand, Gurudeva, until now that you have suggested the topic, I realize how little I know about Sannyasa Dharma, it seems that deep down I had the foolish idea of “it does not concern me!” and therefore when he read about it, he passed by it in a superficial way. So, for the benefit of everyone, please allow me to ask you: Why is it relevant for everyone to know the aspects of Sannyasa Dharma? And who could we turn to to study this topic in the meanings of Srila Prabhupada?

HpS - Bhagavata dharma is like the seed, growing plant, Kanishta, Madhyama... Adau sraddha, Sadhu sanga..

Varna ashrama dharma is that psycho social system that protects and accelerates the development of BDh. Like the Seed and Proper Soil.

So, we should all take advantage of B'cari, Grhastha.. Sannyasa. Visnu priya was just as good a Goswami as Lord Chaitanya.

She could not do the formal austerities of Sannyasa, but She dedicated Herself to living and preaching the Yuga dharma.

One grain of rice for each Maha-mantra.

Try to see how much is 1,724 grains of rice.

64-rounds of rice.

I don't know of any Sri dharma extract of SP's books. It is an essential project. Probably two, three big volumes would come out of BG, SB, CC.

In those there are the stories of the renunciation of Gandhari, Kunti, Devahuti et al.

For now, that is our small report, we appreciate that there is a lot of work to do, and by his causeless mercy we remain in the fight. Many, many, many thanks for everything he does for us Gurudeva. 🙇

Always at your service

His would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

HpS / ASA - Thank you! In just a few moments we will be in Nabadvipa with Nimai, Gadadhara, Srila Prabhupada et al?


Enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻




Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


Correo:📨 [email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi
