Full Morning Program request

1 year, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


As you may have noticed, I did not attend the FMP this week.

It has been a very intense week, I teach in 4 different places. 2 virtual, 2 in person. This year my job search was a little complicated. I am in the Saturn period and on top of that, being retrograde, everything is slower for me. I have to struggle a lot during this period.

Ulysses' recovery has been slow and stressful. Being so strong and intelligent, he managed to get the cure and ate it. It could have given him intestinal obstruction. My character is more irritable than usual. I do not have time for anything. I have to make a change for next year.

My Sadhana has been affected. I lead the FMP 3-Sundays in a row and my brother Parasurama Das, the last Sunday of the month, I would like to leave a request on the Blog. Is there any devotee who would like to take a Sunday to lead the morning program? Directing 3-Sundays in a row for me is a lot because I also teach classes on Sundays. I work from Monday to Sunday.

I feel ashamed for not being able to do more for my spiritual life right now.

I missed the all days when I just work four hours because my father supported me. Ja Ja Ja!

I had a photo of that.

Gurudeva this week I will join the FMP, I promise

So, see you tomorrow

Thanks for all your support and inspiration

Trying to be your disciple


HpS/ASA - Thank you. AgtSP.

I cannot give advice to the Pandavas, "Oh, just chant 'Hare Krsna', and be happy". 😐

Yet, I always remember that Srila Prabhupada said, 'Engage full time in hearing and chanting, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Isopanisad, Brahma-samhita. We will supply the Prasada, but ... you can't do it. So engage in hearing and chanting as much as you can, then do whatever you can do for Krsna. Not dog hard, nicely'.

So, try to catch hold of Captain Krsna's direction and move into cooler professional work?

Specifically, Mitravinda Devi Dasi has been organizing the Kirtan Leader list, so we hope she see this and can help.

You do it once a month?

Respects to your Sister and your Dog!!



/ 🐶




Thank you!
