Buscando motivación para seguir

1 year, 3 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

(Translated by Google)

Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

Here Deva Vrata [Daaas] 🙂

writes to you from the mountains of Córdoba, Argentina.

How are you?

HpS - jivera svarupa haya, krsnera nitya das. 🐵



If you are with Krsna and taking refuge in Srila Prabhupada you can never be wrong... so... it is a fact that you are fine.

HpS/ASA - KK//HH . . . '@'pop~

You are an example for me.

HpS - Of evil, vanity, sloth, arrogance, conceit, cunning?

An example that is too high, that sometimes even overwhelms me, that you are someone so pure, generous, kind, funny, honest, determined, dedicated, etc. etc etc....

and me, 1% of all that and 99% of everything opposite...

HpS - AgtSP!!

I hope it is not too pessimistic a letter. I'm going to try to make it realistic.

I'm sorry to say (and sometimes I even repress saying it), that I feel unmotivated in life. It's somewhat repetitive. I have even told you a little about it in previous letters.

Sometimes, I lack drive and enthusiasm to live. I don't know where to get it from.

Daily practice, philosophy, preaching, everything I do, is not enough for me to feel happy. Why is this happening?

HpS/ASA - Following 4-principles? That should eliminate 90% of your distress. Of course, we take too much sugar and that turns to wine in the blood, no? So have to follow four principles strrrrict-ly.

We are making progress.

I am just the same.

Unmotivated. . .

... but in some respects we must just make our own choices. Am I going to turn to Gopal and His friends?

This is our situation: https://vedabase.io/en/library/noi/8/#bb6003 ?

Have you come to the neutral stage where you are no longer seduced by The Black Witch, but not yet come to Spontaneous Raga anuga Bhakti?

NoI 7?

. . . You are not motivated any time in the day?

We are motivated at 2AM in the morning after a good sleep, and other times. Some other times we can barely move... 😞

Sometimes it is not that we are tired, we are thirsty, or suffocating. Just a biological reaction of depressed senses, mind, and we identify with it.

Get up!

Wash your clothes!

Trim your garden!

Hari Bolo! Chant One Mantra out loud with your arms raised.

Without living with you in your specific situation I can't give too much specific advice. Get local advisors, friends.

Yet above are some general thoughts, and specific things we do.

We are motivated to read this letter and write, because you WhatsApped us and we see you daily iin the FMS!


"Iskcon is an uninspiring institution, but all the others are so much worse", Bhakta Abraham.

I am very sorry to tell you this Gurudev. I know that your wish is for us all to be happy. You are a Vaisnava and even an ant matters to you.

HpS - Well actually I usually don't care too much about most people's depression or enthusiasm, because I don't know their details. I try to go out and make myself available and then as I get to know people, then their emotions and attitudes become real to me.

Yes, agtSP, I do care about the ants in my house. Try to facilitate their lives.

It is Srila Prabhupada whom you want to ask these questions of. We can just give a little help like above, and direct you to him!


When I slow down and focus on one paragraph from the second KRSNA book, it makes me motivated.

Eg. How must chipped, flat, rice did Sudama Vipra take to KRSNA? Was it enough for one lunch?

O.K. Let's look at some other posts.

We're all crazy here.

You're not going to be fully motivated until you kiss Krsna's lotus foot prints in Vrndavana, and get the shelter of the Gopis, and they are not hard to approach, because they are looking for more, and more, and more people to do practical work in their efforts.

How can I feel the drive to live?

HpS - By seeing Srila Prabhupad smile at you.

Where does the enthusiasm to live day to day come from?

HpS - Sankirtan with Srila Prabhuapda and then peanut butter and jam on rye bread sandwich prasadam when you are tired!

I am unfortunate to be so absorbed in my misfortune. I should be absorbed in trying to serve you and Iskcon.

HpS - Maybe our depression is just result of material associaiton, but also just our offensive, greedy and selfish faults! We take a deep breath and chant two Maha-mantras. As long as can breath you can chant. That is your option. Enthusiasm is not something you get (get, get, get) but some way to act (give, give, give). You have to have unlimited determination to serve Krsna, hari kirtan. How much...? Unlimited?


That's my reality. Anyway, I do the best I can with what I have.

HpS - 😠

Well why didn't you say that in the beginning! That's all we can suggest! 😄

Thanks Gurudev. please give me some advice.

HpS - Just did. 🐈

Eternally indebted to you.

HpS - Good, that will help us pay off our debt to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for accepting me into your entourage, even though I am the most insignificant.

Bows to your feet.

Hare Krishna

ASA - Pictures cats and dog pictures attached. Thank you for yours. From them it seems that maybe your are not tasting the mystical poetry in the books and sharing that with others.



(Traducida por google)

Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a ti.

Aquí te escribe Deva Vrata das de las sierras de Córdoba, Argentina.

¿Cómo estás? 

Si estás con Krsna y refugiado en Srila Prabhupada nunca puedes estar mal... así que... es un hecho que estás bien.

Eres un ejemplo para mí. 

Un ejemplo demasiado elevado, que incluso a veces hasta me agobia, que seas alguien tan puro, generoso, amable, divertido, honesto, determinado, entregado, etc. etc. etc....

y yo, un 1% de todo eso y un 99% de todo lo contrario...

Espero que no sea una carta demasiado pesimista. Voy a intentar hacerla realista. 

Lamento decirlo (y a veces incluso reprimo decirlo), de que me siento desmotivado en la vida. Es algo repetitivo. incluso en cartas anteriores te lo he contado un poco.

Algunas veces, me falta ímpetu y entusiasmo para vivir. No sé de dónde sacarlo. 

La práctica diaria, la filosofía, la prédica, todo lo que hago no me alcanza para sentirme feliz. ¿por qué me sucede esto?

Lamento mucho contarte esto Gurudev. Sé que tu deseo es que todos seamos felices. Eres un vaisnava y hasta una hormiga te importa.

Cómo puedo sentir el impulso para vivir? 

de dónde sale el entusiasmo para vivir el día a día? 

Soy desafortunado por estar tan absorto en mi infortunio. Debería estar absorto en tratar de servirte a tí y a Iskcon.

Esa es mi realidad. De todos modos, hago lo mejor que puedo con lo que tengo.

gracias Gurudev. por favor dame un consejo.

Eternamente endeudado contigo. 

gracias por haberme aceptado en tu séquito, aunque yo sea el más insignificante.

Reverencias a tus pies.

Hare Krsna