Houston Calendar

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Narayana-parah Das: "Since you have gracefully accepted to be in Houston for an extended period this time, can we make this trip a more personal one? Just your own experiences, your journey in this spiritual path... the road you took, the Jharikhanda forest you had to travel through, the animals you came across, the ones who tried to make you dance and how you made them dance...

We, as your servants, don't fully know the plans for your departure from this material world. If you are still planning on leaving next year, then a chronological autobiographical account of your journey would be the most essential staple for all of us who will be forced to continue in this world without your physical presence."

HpS - We, agtSP, are amazed that anyone can have much interest in our life. I guess it is like someone who was actually there at the invasion of Normandy. They are disappearing. Some of them remember things and they say that they are as brilliant today as they were so so many decades ago. Sometimes, with tears in their eyes, they say, somethings you just can't forget, no matter how hard you try.

So, if we come in contact with Krsna, Prabhupada, gain a little gold to our color.


On the other hand. With these four movies we are trying to catch a little of what you ask about.

Inspiring a seminar on the SB would also be personal for us. SB is one of the greatest personalities we have met but... we hope to avoid getting involved in the mechanical arrangements necessary, niyama agraha.

Is that your idea also?

Any more details of how to accomplish your goal???

One thing that hits us is that we 'pascatya bhumite haile' people, Gringos, are filled with 'nirvisesa' and 'sunyavad', so that there may be very little personal psychological content in our lives. Our only hope is following the externals of a personal system and having it go right to the change of heart, that may not really show up too much until we die.