News and rumination

1 year, 4 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna!

I am not writing you much. Feel as obstruction into your busy schedule and non-needed tiring for your eyes.

Some disciples also do not write on the blog. I know them. Sure, some of them, meet you in person regularly at least yearly.

It looks I do not travel much or almost nothing. So, in a way, can't write news such as "was here and there, with those and those devotees, visiting that and that temple."

Still, hopefully, the travel is into the depthless of the heart (consciousness - citta). It may be not exotic to talk about, write about (specially in the public forum). Hope against hope that Citta Hari may do his merciful activity and will have a temple in the heart.

I try to chant here and chant there, internally and externally, what is there unless not touched by the Holy Name.

Parents are getting old and crippled. Helping them to go through whatever they need to go through.

Nirgata is doing fine - whatever "fine" can mean for an over-50-person in Kali Yuga.

Trying to be in sadhu sangas with reasonable non judgemental attitude.

Reading Srila Prabhupada's books in a not-in-a-hurry method. Not rushing through the pages. Jotting down notes. Idea is to accept and make transformation (of consciousness) and not just collect data.

Is not easy to live, it is not easy to inquire sincerely and be vulnerable in society (devotee or at-the-moment non devotee). Questioning ISKCON fables and "laws" in a non aggressive, gentle mood while being open to be questioned by others.

Birds fly as much high their wings can take them (sloka from SB), so I try to present the topic with the honest realization. And, if it is a thought or even doubt, I declare it openly that it is a point of my reflection based on reading, hearing and contemplating the sastric teaching.

I continue reading the Blog, Flag with a monkey on it 💖

and Twitter posts.

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Thank, agtSP, you! Very nice report.

You know Walt Whitman (Thoreau, Emerson)? American poets, writers, called The Transcendentalists. Beginning of USA. had some contact with BG etc!

Whitman wrote that in this life the body travels far, but the soul travels much much more.

I meet the same men, the same women, the same situations and challenges, again and again,

But each time higher, higher.

Life is a spiral.

It goes up.

Where does it go?




I do not know.

But I know it goes some place good!

Paramatma vadi???

Hope so much that our ASA work is of some value to you in systematizing your Sankirtan!

Respects to the Catless one (Spanish: Nir Gata).

Who is there in your Yatra?