Shelter request and sadhana report

1 year, 4 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga!

how are you? How’s your health been? Do you feel better of those headaches you have had?

HpS - AgtSP. Almost no head ache now. But as we write last letter we are getting headache. 😁

Eyes burn a lot even though the pollen level is low. Maybe is the electric heater. It is old.

Well, body has small rashes growing everywhere. That is old age.

Body falling apart to become part of a new body.

Well here everything’s going alright and good, keeping my sadhana, waking up for mangala arati almost every day, I’ve found out that doing some physical exercise at least some days a week I can keep my continuity of waking up early, and it’s another way to cope with stress.

HpS - So much to learn!

The other day I was reading in SB regarding sense gratification, which Prabhupada compares it with salt and says that we need not too much nor too few, but in the right amount it serves the Krishna conciousness process, and that illuminated me, sometimes I was being to hard with myself, pushing me too much toward “success” in the spiritual path, now I’m learning that for instance having a tastier meal a week, or two, softens my heart, always trying to make it healthy.

HpS - Yes. Not to much, but also not to little.

I’m reading some self-help books, like Atomic Habits, that one is really worth it, I’m learning a lot about how to keep growing as a person, developing good habits, leaving the bad ones behind, plus de author is really inspiring.

I’m learning also about how to raise my daughter without or with minimum electronic screens exposure, got myself a book about that and it’s really interesting.

HpS - We remember a Vastu man said, have one plant for every electronic device in the house.

Maharaj I’m having a great time listening to your classes and remembering them :)

We have a playlist of them at a YouTube channel called Comunidad Vaishnava, and well there are tons of your preachings there.

HpS - Hope they lead people to 1,000 tons of Srila Prabhupada's classes!

I have a little question for you,

I’m reading about Brahma in the 3rd canto,

Prabhupada says he’s tri-kala-jña,

and I remember you said that he can tell the future more because of his intelligence than of his spiritual knowledge,

and I was wondering if the same logic applies to the present and past time knowledge.

HpS - This is our understanding from reading about him. As we remember, Srila Prabhupada said that he is almost like the super soul.

I don't know how much is because of his Buddhi, intelligence, or because of his inspiration from the Paramatma, Ksirodakazayi visnu.

Must be different for the purity of different Brahmas.

Well more than 6 months already elapsed since I’m chanting 16 rounds a day and following the 4 regulative principles, so you said I could formally ask you for spiritual shelter, so that’s what I’m humbly requesting you :)

Well, hope you are well Maharaj :))

your servant,


HpS - I hope I said that you could ask an ISKCON guru for Diksa. 😃

We are just too old to do the service of Diksa any more.

It is very stressful for us.

Yet there are so many "young people" doing it now.

Of course, Yadu nandana Swami in Spain is wonderful even for Sannyasa guru.

So many.

I have my individual ideas about Diksa and everything.

We are all eternal individuals.

Siksa guru we can hope to be.

What do you think?

Anyone to act as Diksa and also a Siksa guru all under the shelter of your Sampradaya Acharya and intimate friend, Srila Prabhupada?