Seeking blessings and Guide from you Guru Maharaja

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you Guru Maharaja.

Guru Maharaja, I am Manjuali Devi Dasi from Kaptanpur, Silchar, your disciple.

HpS - Thank you for writing. I hope our Blog posts, Twitter, Kapi Dhvaja have been reaching you and you know our working and limits.

It is so nice to finally be able to read this letter.

Since quite a long time ago I have not been communicating with you. Please kindly forgive me for that. I will be writing to you regularly from this time onwards. Thank you very much for your kind visit to my house and purifying our Kaptanpur village at Silchar with your holy presence in January this year.

We are praying to Sri Sri Radha Govindaji for your good health and visit to our village again and again.

We are eagerly waiting for your coming back to our village again in the near future. I have purchased a small house at Radhakund near Sripad Maharaja’s Samadhi Mandir. If you are coming to India and planning to stay at Radhakund, please kindly use that house. It’s a new house and one-story building (ground floor + first floor). Please kindly accept this humble offering of mine, Guru Maharaja.

HpS - We have been staying with Krsna svarupa Das from Assam, in his similar house in Par Colony, just 8-minutes from The Kunda.

Now for long time we are back in the West.

We hope to stay at Radha kunda or wherever we can have service under Srila Prabhupada's feet.

Guru Maharaja, please kindly forgive me for whatever offences I have committed to you and am going to commit in the future also because of my foolishness, considering me a stupid and lowly servant of yours.

I am not married yet and staying alone. And I have a small government job. Most percentage of the salary I get every month from my job (even if it’s a meagre amount), I spend it for serving the Vaisnavas.

Some part of the salary I save it in the form of insurance.

Guru Maharaja, I have no devotion to Guru and Krishna.

Please guide me so that in this lifetime I be able to go back home, back to Godhead.

HpS - You already have gone back to Godhead. Writing and reading these letters is the only Godhead, Godhood. You just have to increase, perfect this service, and the others related to it.

Guru Maharaja, what kind of sadhana and services I should do to please you most? What services a devotee should render to please Guru and Vaisnavas most? And how should I carry out my day-to-day activities to please you, Guru Maharaja? Please kindly guide me on these points.

HpS - With what devotees you have association? In your village?

What books of Srila Prabhupada do you like to read?

Even a little bit some times.

One paragraph. Then some more later.

Gradually finish one paragraph.

Tell other people (at work) about the story. Tell them it is the story of one person you know.

Because of my foolishness and stupidity, if I am offending you again and again, then please forgive me again and again Guru Maharaja. I am always seeking the dust of your lotus feet. I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. Hope to see you soon Guru Maharaja.

Hare Krishna.


Your humble servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Kaptanpur, Silchar, Assam, India

Whatsapp/Mobile No. - +91-8136078925

HpS - Basically chant 16-nice rounds daily and follow the 4-principles strictly and success is guaranteed. Radha and Krsn and all the Gopis will be able to remind you what important service you were created to do.