Intelligence and Heart in the balance

1 year, 4 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances, dear Gurudeva.

I'm sorry I don't report frequently because my service is little.

HpS/ASA - Sorry we can't respond sooner! So nice to hear from you!

They say that a person's thoughts are more numerous than the waves of the sea.

I remember the explanation of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu when he was talking to the Mayavadi philosophers about the effects of chanting the holy name and he said:

"That holy name of the Lord sometimes makes me sing and dance, and therefore I sing and dance. Please don't I think I'm doing it on purpose. I'm doing it automatically". CC.Adi 7.96

Sorry for such a long introduction.

Reporting that we were fortunate to attend the first Sadhu Sanga fest in Mexico organized by H. H. Indrayumna Swami just 40 minutes from where we live in Tepoztlan.

We attended Mangal Aratik and had the opportunity to associate with many devotees from various parts of the world: Chaturatma Das, Radhikamohan Das, Amala Harinam Das.

The classes, the kirtans, the prasad and the place everything was wonderful,

I was able to distribute about:

  • 5-Tava Pache Pache,
  • 1-BG and
  • 2-medium books at the festival.

On the other hand, in my small traveling Sankirtan of the last 3 months I distributed:

  • 50 Bhagavad Gitas Big and
  • 120 medium books.

The most important was the Bhagavad-gita that the president of Tepoztlan David Demesa took.

If I could count out of 1600 people interviewed: 4 mentioned: "this book is by Prabhupada, I have read Prabhupada". 20 they say: "I have already read it, it is good", but they do not mention the author, there are very few people who have read Prabhupada, seeing 4 out of 1600 is extremely dazzling!

Apparently the Mayan storm is blowing very hard and there is a lack of strong captains and ships. We will continue searching for Sita!.

I am grateful and feel very happy for your blessings.

This is my litle report.

He concluded that we would like the family from Mexico to visit Tepoztlan, it would be a great joy and happiness to receive it, and there is a lot of Mexican food here to discover.

It is the place where Quetzalcoatl was born and there are many pilgrimages of spiritual seekers.

We would have very nice programs, many monkeys are willing to work.

Always grateful and asking forgiveness for my offenses his eternal and furry servant,

Sacinandan Das.

All glories to Guru and Gauranga!

HpS - ASA -- In many ways you are Guru to all of us. How is your 'better half', esteemed wife?



We hope that people start coming to you as a result of your Sankirtan Yajna asking how to distribute books themselves?

Thank you!!! Let us look at one more letter.

It, the Sun, is as 6.47PM. Sun sets here now at 6PM.

We have nice cabanya. All alone. No one in the entire city to visit or join us.


Sannyasa dharma, but we have you.

Thank you.

Any more furniture construction?