Questions without asking

1 year, 4 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glrory to Srila Prabhupada, All Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Sri Caitanya & Nityananda, and All Glory to ISKCON, and all the Vaisnavas.

Pleace accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Gurudeva HPS: the last day we habe many parties, from Purushottama Masa, Jalayatra Mty, Jhulayatra, Balaram, Janmastami, Prabhupada, and Radhastami. Thanks to the mercy of the devotees I was able to participate in the festivities,

I keep the 16 rounds, and the 4 principles strictest,

reading Prabhupada's books and trying to share what I learn with each person I treat.

So, from long time ago, I have heard different questions about japa and etiquette, which I've now compiled, although I've already heard some answers given by other devotee, I hope to know your answers:

HpS//ASA - We will give answers as we know.

*Is it mandatory to chant the pancha tattva mantra before or after each round?


*Can the panca tattva mantra be chanted in the middle of the round?


*Does Chant without japa have the same value?

Do you mean without Japa beads? If yes, then it is like apples and bananas. They are both valuable but have different kinds of nutrition.

*Is it mandatory to chant on Tulasi beads, and if you don't have Tulasi, stop the chant?

Unless there is strange circumstance we should do 16-rounds on Tulasi beads, but if we cannot then knots on rope, grains of rice etc are o.k. for counting.

*Is it forbidden to chant rounds of the Panca Tattva mantra?

Prabhupada told devotees to not chant PTM on beads.

*Is it a priority to chant the rounds instead of sleeping, eating, or attending to other duties?

  1. Always chant.
  2. 16-rounds
  3. 4-principles
  4. FM & E Service.
  5. Sankirtan

*Is it valid to Chant a round in pauses?

Only in demanding situations.

*Can you start the Chant before bathing or washing your mouth?

Yes, but best to wash mouth, hands, face, body.

*Can you eat while Chant?

Must chant while eating.

*Is it possible to Chant lying down?


*Can you chant with the left hand using a non-Tulsi japa?

Yes, but seems very unusual activity and not for 16-rounds. Of course if you only have left hand then even on tulsi is o.k., no?

*If two different devotees instruct us in opposite ways, what consideration should be taken?

Always happens.

*Can Brahmins be salaried?

No, but their can be regulated donations.

Srila Prabhupada says that our movement is not a religion, so how to present it to religious groups?

It is a religion to those who understand religion as including science, politics etc.

Otherwise the Brahminical aspect includes what people call religion and the rest is "culture".

Thaks a lot, for your exceptional activities, I hope you're in good health.

Your crew member Aniruddhakrsna Das.

HpS - Thank you!!!

Let's go to the next letter.