dtc fr[22]

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

oink oink

whoop whoop.


we, tb/bw et al

are camped in boise, new biharvan.

it is a circus.

10,000 people have/are coming.

lokananntha das


rrd +++

ard, kgd/murari das+++, upendra+++, B'bhadra+ and so, so manny more.

brother ass is fighting with allergy reactions, and of course setting up camp site.

visit of yasoda/monica and cult of holy spirit festival was great. more work.. great results.

caught up on the blog 🐸


please write.

Festival here is chance to clarify our sankirtan (which dictates our calendar)

We will be showing DTC UT (India) final edit on Sunday night to Prof. Gupta, et al.