The Questions about The Future

1 year, 5 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna AGTSP

please accept my humble obeisances.

Narottama reporting from the principal base.

The health is good?

HpS - "Energy" of our donkey is at 75%. We, spirit, push it. That energy is 15% contaminated with allergy.

We, spirit, clean it, with..... Gaura arati! Radha -8- Festival.

The old car, still does it move without many problems?

HpS - Above. 😃

3 points related to the question that I make about how we can take good decisions in Krsna consciousness.

I got many ideas and questions in this month about what is my sva-dharma, what is my work in this place and what can I do for Krsna whit my work and life, whit what you said about that Krsna don't give to Arjuna a super weapon or change his DNA he just give him knowledge, that was really usefull, and make me take good decisions.

Now direct to the point, the question that I was saving to this day was that I have a little predicament.

First, was offer[ed] to me an oportunitie[y] to be the next Das Anudasa of the Bhakti Sastri, I wasn't very sure about that for many reasons (one of them is that I dont feel very confident about going) I will like more (I think) to go whit you (If Krsna and you allows It) and be whit you as much time as possible If you like, see you in Spain and then travel and make sankirtan to maybe travel to India (Now whit the new official name Bharat) or study somthing.

About that second point, I will like to study cinema (more in to the direction stuff or something related) It's something that I like since a few years ago. I think that that maybe will be funcional to spread Krsna consciousness.

All of this are ideas floating in my mind, this is not to you manage my life like a puppet, more like to ask for your council and if this is a good or bad idea to have and keep a life with a good service to offer to Krsna and thus keep my life thinking about him.

Whit no more to add (for the moment) I said good bye.

Hare Krsna :D

HpS - Thank you! KRSNA is our first:

  • friend
  • counselor
  • general, no?

Yet, even He has to deal with the magic of the external energy in the sense that He gives it power to do things.

He was amazed, for a moment, when He saw Maya's Aghasura!


  1. Plan to get up early and get your rounds done with... enthusiasm!
  2. That will give you some good idea of what KRSNA might like you to do. Lord Caitanya might like you to do!
  3. After breakfast meet with your Sankirtan partners in person or by telecommunications. Consult with your family.

In the 'Kapi Dhvaja' we take two hours every fortnight to express our perspectives and plans as Head of the ASA.

  1. chant more during the day. basically whenever you are in doubt about what to do, chant the Holy Names until they inform you.
  2. Young man, up to 29-years old, can just try different things. Make a plan for some time, contract with others for some time and then try doing different stuff.

we tried making movies and realized that it required a team of at least 6-people, so we focused in on PPTX as part of the the team. Then the Director sees our ideas and Directs.

What is your daily schedule?