Harinam Diksa for Bht.Wang Pan

1 year, 4 months ago by rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila His Divine Grace!

We are planning to go for some time to China. I got invitation from one old Tao master to learn acupuncture from him. I don't know how long will we stay there. Master says to stay as long as I don't learn everything.

We are leaving Bali on 20th September, Wednesday morning.

Prabhuji was saying after he talked with H. H. Ramai Swami and Maharaja chanted on beads and said that I should sit on first yagna that is available after receiving spiritual name. If that is possible, we could appear anytime your Holiness sets up a time and we can give a vows.

If complete live ceremony is required, we will have to wait for our return from China.

Your aspiring servant

Bht.Wang Pan

HpS - It seems fine. Can we talk on the phone?


Guess it will be after you arrive in China.