always chanting 2

1 year, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

linked previous letter 14190

TB -

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,


Your holiness wrote

"We all help each other grossly or subtly to chant constant."

By subtly chanting holiness meant mental chanting?

What could be intellectual chanting?

HpS/ASA - SB 1.47.63/

A parrot can chant the National Anthem of India but not know what it means, no? That is gross chanting.

More subtle is to chant with mental attention, not just let the external senses do it, sleep walking.

Most subtle is chant with mouth, mind and understanding.

What does this mean?

Understand what we are reading. Smaranam. Of course different levels of this (NOI 8 smarana dasa...)

"By seeking association of devotees, acharyas on the gross and subtle platform".

how do we seek association on subtle platform ?

ASA - Look at their pictures, statues, deities with respect. Petition for service. we do it often. especially picture of prabhupada in our ashrama.

on the way to be Hayagriva Avatar Das, success granted, only question is when

ASA - Today is a good day to die. This is a good breath to take as our last! I will not answer any more Blog posts. I will let The Holy Spirit answer them through my mind.