Nos rompimos una pierna

1 year, 6 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krishna, querido Maharah

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted

Por favor acepte mi sugerencias a sus pies de loto

Con su respuesta al anterior carta y asistir a los programas de Mangala-arti uno o dos días semanales, escribe una solución y me compré una bicicleta. Pero a veces cuando uno planea una cosa sale otra totalmente diferente y al día siguiente me rompí la pierna ( Fractura de Tibia y ruptura de ligamento que une la tibia con la rótula).

Me caí una noche en el transporte público de la ciudad, el dolor se agravó a grandes horas de la noche, por lo que en la mañana busque un hospital. En mi primer hospital me iban a internar tres o cuatro semanas pero por miedo a la dieta del hospital y demas, fui a otro hospital en dónde me empezaron la pierna. 5 Días después me pusieron una especie de rodillera, haciendo un poco más fácil y desplazamiento.

Gracias a krishna he podido venir al templo las muletas y mucho cuidado.

Tuve la misericordia esos días de ayudar con el vestido de flores de el festival del señor Balarama y podré ayudar con los vestidos de flores de Jamastami.

Lamento no estoy pudiendo asistir mucho a Mangala-arti, pero haré el mayor esfuerzo para asistir en Jamastami.

Muchas gracias por su misericordia

Muchas gracias por permitirme servirle


I will do ( of "Hare") Krishna, dear Maharah

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

all glories to you

Please accept my suggestions at your lotus feet.

HpS/ASA - Lettuce feet.

With your response to the above letter and attending Mangala-arti programs one or two days a week, write a solution and I bought a bicycle. But sometimes when one plans one thing, a totally different one comes out and the next day I broke my leg (Tibia Fracture and rupture of the ligament that joins the tibia to the patella).

HpS - Wow, when you break a leg, you do it right!! 😲

I fell one night on public transport in the city, the pain worsened late at night, so in the morning I looked for a hospital. In my first hospital they were going to admit me for three or four weeks but for fear of the hospital diet and others, I went to another hospital where my leg started. 5 days later they put a kind of knee brace on me, making displacement a little easier.

Thanks to Krishna I have been able to come to the temple on crutches and very carefully.

HpS - This is like something from "The Lives of the Saints"! Amazing!

I had the mercy those days to help with the flower dress of Lord Balarama festival and I will be able to help with the flower dress of Jamastami.

HpS - Super! There is no, NO, N O place like Mexico for beautiful flower decorations. I think Radha and Krsna and all Their friends stand on the alter waiting to be dressed and show off to everyone! They need a bigger Temple!

You are a great white witch, no?

Why don't you create a bigger temple for them? 🤔

I am sorry that I am not able to attend Mangala-arti much, but I will do my best to attend Jamastami.

Thank you very much for your mercy

Thank you very much for allowing me to serve you.

HpS - Sing the Bhajan every day with great gusto in front of picture of Radha and Krsna! Let Them know who you worship.

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