Yasoda - Nueva Vraja Mandala

1 year, 6 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krishna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja 🙏🧡🙏

Salimos de Bolivia con la misericordia de recibir asociación de Madre Lila Madhuri, una discípula de Narajana Maharaj que resultó ser la sobrina nieta de Carl Jung😱 (tiene fotos familiares incluso) 😱

Mi papá me ayudó con los trámites finales para el viaje a España y por misericordia de Radhe estoy en España Vrajamandala ☺️

Govinda (mi pareja) y yo estamos viviendo en el templo y todo es muy lindo! En especial las deidades!! En Vrajamandala hay tanto tanto servicio por cumplir dentro del templo que es muy fácil olvidar que existe un mundo fuera del templo.

La realización que puedo tener al llegar a Europa es que todo esté mundo material tiene el mismo patrón de modelo que se repite: personas, animales, plantas, autos, ego y deseos insatisfechos localizados en diferentes lugares (países, etc)

Lo que sí veo que cambia es la forma especial que tiene Krishna y Radharani para atraer nuestra atención y ocuparnos en el servicio devocional...

Soy un alma vieja como usted una vez me dijo, la vida de pareja es un acertijo que me gustaría resolver entender y pasarlo como una prueba pero no sé cuál es la enseñanza de ello...

Mi papá me dijo que se siente más tranquilo al saber que estaré protegida y cuidada por Govinda en España, etc. Mi papá siente que él ya está muy mayor de edad (68 años) él quiere retirarse para vivir en el campo (se compró un pedazo de tierra) pero tiene una nueva pareja que lo visita algunas veces. Mi papá dice que es porque aún necesita asistencia por su salud (mi papá tiene parkinson al corazón) espera no necesitarla dentro de pronto y estar tranquilo según me dice. Mi papá le manda muchos saludos a usted Gurumaharaja y agradecimiento por su ayuda en mi vida espiritual.

En Vrajamandala tenemos el servicio de encargados de limpieza de la hospedería (la economía del templo depende mucho del hotel) me gusta limpiar y en especial el castillo de Krishna donde recibe a tantas personas 😊

Tarangaksi, Rukmini, Devahuti y muchos devotos de Vrajamandala le mandan reverencias y esperan con ansias su pronta visita Gurumaharaja (yo lo extraño demasiado Gurumaharaja 🙏🙏🙏)

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre!!

Aspirando a servirlo

Yasoda Devi Dasi




HpS - All glories to His Divine Grace, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, author of the book "KRSNA, The Supreme Personality of Godhead".

Hare Krishna, very dear and always remembered Gurumaharaja 🙏🧡🙏

We left Bolivia with the mercy of receiving association from Mother Lila Madhuri, a disciple of Narayana Maharaj who turned out to be Carl Jung's great-niece😱 (she even has family photos) 😱

My dad helped me with the final paperwork for the trip to Spain and by the mercy of Radhe I am in Spain, Vrajamandala ☺️

Govinda (my partner) and I are living in the temple and everything is very nice! Especially the deities!! In Vrajamandala there is so much service to be performed within the temple that it is very easy to forget that there is a world outside the temple.

The realization that I may have, upon arriving in Europe, is that all of this material world has the same repeating pattern: people, animals, plants, cars, ego and unsatisfied desires located in different places (countries, etc.)

HpS/ASA - All the movies have the same plots over and over again!!! 😏

What I do see changing is the special way Krishna and Radharani have to attract our attention and engage us in devotional service...

ASA - Ohhh! 🐵 🐹 It is just Their nature and, even though the two most amazing things are Radha and Krsna, even They are amazed by . . . . Sri Vrndavana Dhama!

I am an old soul as you once told me,

the life of a couple is a riddle that I would like to solve, understand and pass it as a test.

but I don't know what the lesson is...

My dad told me that he feels calmer knowing that I will be protected and cared for by Govinda in Spain, etc.

My dad feels that he is already too old (68 years old) he wants to retire to live in the country (he bought a piece of land) but he has a new partner who visits him sometimes. My dad says it's because he still needs assistance for his health (my dad has Parkinson's heart disease) he hopes he won't need it anytime soon and he tells me to be calm. My dad sends many greetings to you Gurumaharaja and thanks for his help in my spiritual life.

HpS - Everyone in the ASA monkey troupe wants to know, "Who is Govinda?"! Does he have five heads? Is he spider man?

In Vrajamandala we have the cleaning service of the hostel (the economy of the temple depends a lot on the hotel) I like to clean and especially Krishna's castle where he receives so many people 😊

Tarangaksi, Rukmini, Devahuti and many Vrajamandala devotees send their obeisances to him and look forward to his soon visit Gurumaharaja (I miss him so much Gurumaharaja 🙏🙏🙏)

May Lord Nrsimha protect you always!!

Aspiring to serve you

Yasoda Devi Dasi

HpS - Josselyn, Yahaira and Jennifer? What a long and twisted road it has been, yet it is not over until we have killed our false ego!!😡

We feel envious of you. We remember so much transcendental bliss in NVM. What magical pastimes do Radha Govinda candra and Their friends and Yoga maya plan to try next?