Gracias por su misericordia

1 year, 6 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis entregadas reverencias. 🙏

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias sean a sus fieles seguidores, que son como potentes lunas, iluminando este oscuro bosque!🌙


Orando siempre porque su salud sea favorable para su Sankirtana, y orando también para poder tener siempre su misericordiosa guía. Le agradezco de todo corazón haberme brindado el refugio de sus instrucciones, gracias porque usted me ayuda a - de algún modo - conectar mi vida con nuestro Amoroso Señor.

Externamente, mi vida parece ser la misma que hace unos meses; danzamos entre adversidades, enfermad, dolor, perdidas, carencias, diferencias con algunas personas… Sin embargo; por su misericordia, la de otros buenos vaisnavas y por supuesto, por la misericordia infinita de nuestro Srila Prabhupada; podemos apreciar que ahora reaccionamos de manera muy distinta ante esas dificultades, esta vez no se trata de algo forzado o artificial, parece ser que simplemente cambiamos de “anteojos” y yo misma me sorprendo de lo diferente que se ve todo ahora. ¡La misericordia de los devotos es inconcebible!

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaja, sé que este es solo un pequeño descanso, y que vendrán muchas más pruebas que habrán de forjarme. Solo ruego por ser capaz de atravesar cualquier experiencia bajo la guía de los misericordiosos vaisnavas; de usted, querido Gurumaharaja, que ilumina el camino dejado por nuestro Divino Acarya y de los buenos miembros del ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada. Solo por vuestra misericordia, será posible obtener la gracia de nuestras Señorías. 🙏

Cambiando de tema, le comento que este año celebramos el maravilloso festival de Jhulan Yatra desde casa, una de mis hermanas construyó el columpio, y felizmente lo celebramos en compañía de familiares y amigos. Quizá fue un poco austero, pero participamos con gran emoción, muchas gracias por la inspiración que nos brinda.

Por otra parte; Guru Maharaja, desde hace tiempo he visto con pesadumbre su calendario en el Kapi Dhvaja, me gustaría mucho poder tener su maravillosa asociación física, pero (aunque lo deseo) veo muy distante la posibilidad de viajar a Houston o España, por lo que, desde hace tiempo tengo la inquietud de preguntarle, ¿Cree que sea posible una visita (aunque fuese breve) a México o algún lugar de Latinoamérica? Por favor disculpe el atrevimiento, me avergüenza preguntar ya que conozco las dificultades corporales que significan los viajes para usted, quizá estoy actuando egoístamente y le ruego que me disculpe, solo consideré necesario expresar esta inquietud.

Deseando no importunarlo, le agradezco mucho su atención.

Siempre a sus órdenes.

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna! Dear Gurudeva please accept my dedicated obeisances. 🙏

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada and all glories be to his faithful followers, who are like powerful moons, lighting up this dark forest!🌙


Praying always that his health is favorable for his Sankirtana, and praying also that I may always have his merciful guidance. I thank you with all my heart for having given me the refuge of his instructions, thank you because you help me to-in some way-connect my life with our Loving Lord.

Externally, my life seems to be the same as a few months ago; we dance between adversities, sickness, pain, losses, shortcomings, differences with some people... However; by his mercy, that of other good Vaisnavas and of course, by the infinite mercy of our Srila Prabhupada; we can appreciate that now we react very differently to these difficulties, this time it is not something forced or artificial, it seems that we simply changed our “glasses” and I myself am surprised at how different everything looks now. The mercy of the devotees is inconceivable!

HpS - In one drama of Mahabharata, when Bhima kills his own cousin, Dhusasana, he tells Draupadi, "We were not born to be happy!"

We are born to do austerities.

Thank you very much Guru Maharaja, I know that this is only a small rest, and that many more tests will come that will forge me. I only pray that I am able to go through any experience under the guidance of the merciful Vaisnavas; from you, dear Gurumaharaja, who illuminates the path left by our Divine Acarya and from the good members of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. Only by your mercy, it will be possible to obtain the grace of our Lordships. 🙏

HpS - The situations just wake us up to our original nature! Will you play the role of Draupadi in the next incarnation?

Changing the subject, I tell you that this year we celebrate the wonderful festival of Jhulan Yatra from home, one of my sisters built the swing, and we happily celebrate it in the company of family and friends. It was perhaps a bit austere, but we participated with great emotion, thank you very much for the inspiration you give us.

Besides; Guru Maharaja, for a long time I have seen with regret your calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja, I would very much like to be able to have your wonderful physical association, but (although I wish) I see the possibility of traveling to Houston or Spain as very distant, for which, from I have been wondering for a long time to ask you, do you think a visit (even if brief) to Mexico or some place in Latin America is possible? Please excuse the audacity, I am ashamed to ask since I know the bodily difficulties that travel means for you, perhaps I am acting selfishly and I beg your pardon, I only considered it necessary to express this concern.

HpS - Gadadhara and Asta sakhi Das asked us about this, and we answered there. Did you read it? Maybe when we get to Houston we will be able to travel to Mexico, but would have to be stronger than now,


Wishing not to bother you, I thank you very much for your attention.

Always at his command.

Your would-be disciple

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

HpS - I think you are Guru to many people. You give them some window on Srila Prabhupada.

Let us look at one more letter and then maybe we go walking with NgD.