1 year, 5 months ago by narotam_armijo in Other

Hare Krsna, AGTSP

please accept my humble obeisances.

Narottama reporting from the principal base.

I have a questiong about the need of an assistand that you post in Twitter, and I'm interrested.

But I just will end the Bhakti Shastry the 2 or 3 of dicember, also I dont know if I'm cualificated enough to be your assistant.

Also whit the other new about the brahmacaria, in few words i will get it :D and they want to make a ceremony in like 3 days or so to take saffron.

I hope for your answer.

Whit little to few for add this servant said good bye :D

hps/asa - agtsp.... . . . . !. . need someone from houston or nashville, no? more natural. can just make short trip!

hope ceremony reveals wonderful plan for KRSNA's service to you.

please offer respects to dh'tari swami from us.

wonderful plan.