Eastern Hemisphere , Bht. Wang Pan ,Bali,Indonesia

1 year, 5 months ago by rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear / respected Hanumat Preshak Swami

my obeisances ,

all glories to His Divine Grace

We are happy to receive your mail. Apologies for delay in reply. We are not using SIM cards so our access to internet is only when we have WI FI.

We noticed that nothing is really so urgent.

We were back and forth from City to the farm that is on the hills where there are lots of rain, so internet by the grace of Indra deva doesn't work regularly.

We noticed we are more personal to each other and others when we are not connected 24/7.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! ... One of our very good friends, Prof. Hector Behar, very prominent social scientist and former political revolutionary commented that these are not "social media" they are "anti-social media".


In regards to some suggestions from the first hand about possible improvements in the service of my esteemed wife, Bht.Wang Pan, there are few things that I can mention.

Overall, for the stage and her previous upbringing she is more than average in contribution and personal development.

Seeing that there is community and individual in the community there are few aspects that we have to consider.

Personal development does depend on personal introspection and practice, as well as harmonizing with community of devotees and managerial side.

Often there could be some differences between this currents but it is only external.

Her personal sadhana is externally good.

Attitude is also good , but as the master Vaisesika Prabhu says, ABS, always better service, we can always review our attitudes.

Tom Brown🐵 - What is the biggest room in the world?

Buck White🐷 - ???

TB - "The room for self improvement!"

Places to improve could be more cultivating variety of relationships with devotees.

Here is little limping.

Could be due to being in a foreign land and could be Chinese politeness that we westerners interpret as impersonalism.

However we are here to transcend/overcome our conditioning for the pleasure of the Lord.

As Prabhupada says it takes a village to rise a child.

I would personally encourage her to more interact with devotes in variety of service for better grow and appreciation of others and their services.

In the lines of Prabhupada statement , we need a father, mother, friend, uncle, brother,neighbour etc...to be more settled.

Its good that she is dependent on me, but being overly dependent is not good.

Just like there are liberals and orthodox.

Both are fine if there is not extreme.

As soon as one goes into extreme, there will immediately be disbalance and our services to Prabhupada internally and externally checked.

HpS - Avadhutas and Smarta. Nityananda and Adwaita!

In the same lines, to be to dependent or too independent is in general not proving good.

That's what comes to my mind at the moment.

As we know formations in the battlefield of Kuruksetra were daily different, we have to expect that as we progress in spiritual life there will be constant need of modification and working on different fields.

As Srila Prabhupada letters always ended encouraging to follow regulative principles and chant 16 rounds and as you always add , chanting them early in the morning, we belive that whatever happens whether externally good or bad is always for our ultimate good. So,we are marching forward in unison.

In regards to initiation there is a confusion about when, where and how.Could you please helps solve this mystery Maharaja.

HpS - Formally if the candidate has been chanting 16-nice rounds daily and following 4 principles strictly for one hear, has passed the disciple course, has a letter of recommendation from Temple President or such authority, and has been in contact with an ISKCON Diksa guru (like us) for six months to consider what Diksa means etc.

Then... candidate can be initiated.

I think Mataji has done all these things, no?

I remember once one of my gurus once put me on "pause" for my overly "creative idea" for months. Means he was not talking to me as usual. It was actually mercy because I kept on thinking and rethinking about my idea and that purified me nicely.

Again and again , we are blessed by somehow cross your path and we feel refreshed in that state.

Yours in the service of Guru and Gouranga

Narayan pandit das & Bht.Wang

HpS/ASA - Thank you for your very frank thoughts. I hope that your good wife does not feel a little shy at such considerations, but that is the characteristic of one advancing in KC that they are getting detached from praise and blame of their ego, and only want to hear good reflection on their character for self improvment.

If you send an email address we can also converse particular points in KC as you like. Of course, we won't publish it.

Thank you!

We hope we can relate our iconic Sun Wu Kong with the Bhava of Lord Chaitanya