[ASA Carnaval] – Reporte Padmini Ekadasi 2023

1 year, 2 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! Guru Maharaja por favor acepte nuestras entregadas reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, y todas las glorias a usted y a los fieles seguidores de nuestro Divino Acarya, que nos guían en el camino que él nos ha mostrado!🙇


Oramos por que la energía de su cuerpo sea buena y favorable a su sankirtana. Muchas gracias por la inagotable inspiración que nos brinda para continuar con nuestros intentos de servir en el trascendental ejercito de Srila Prabhupada.

Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, para enviar nuestro reporte de actividades:

*Durante este periodo; Sugopi Devi Dasi, Jaya Hari Prabhu y RamaKrsna Ananda Prabhu, amablemente compartieron fotos y videos (De Richmond y Nashville). Apreciamos especialmente los videos del festival del Cultivo del Espíritu Humano (CHS) y del Harinama e iniciaciones en Richmond.🎶

*Por otra parte continuamos transmitiendo las clases sabatinas de Prabhu Upendra y usted.

*También hemos agregado al canal de youtube las clases que usted ha dado para ParthSarthi Foundation (Houston)


*Tenemos pendiente comunicarnos con Abhirama Thakura Prabhu respecto a las grabaciones de Santa Eulalia.📌

*Aunque muy lento, continuamos con el trabajo de indización y respaldo en la plataforma de youtube.


Guru Maharaja, respetuosamente, nos gustaría poner a su consideración la posibilidad de que, durante algunas clases sabatinas, se imparta algún seminario del “Guru Tattva”; Consideramos importante este tópico, porque la correcta y profunda comprensión de la función e importancia del Maestro Espiritual es el eje para el desarrollo de la vida espiritual. Sabemos que el tema ha sido tratado anteriormente en diferentes yatras, no obstante, creemos que estas clases, nos servirían para iluminar nuestro entendimiento y para contar con grabaciones de mejor calidad que podrían ser de utilidad para generaciones posteriores. Otra opción podría ser un seminario sobre “Canciones Vaisnavas” que puede ayudarnos a comprender y a relacionarnos con la canción y con el autor. Agradecemos su consideración y quedamos atentos a su amable respuesta.🙏


Enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻




Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


Correo:📨 [email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Ese es nuestro reporte por ahora Guru Maharaja, por favor disculpe las deficiencias. Muchas gracias por mantenernos entusiastas en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.🌱

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval



I will do (Hare) Krsna! Guru Maharaja, please accept our dedicated obeisances.

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to you and the faithful followers of our Divine Acarya, who guide us on the path he has shown us!🙇


ASA/HpS - Thank you all, ASA Carnival, for showing us such a good example of the complete life of Sankirtan.

We pray that the energy in his body is good and favorable for his Sankirtana.

HpS/ASA - Right now it is good. Just as for you, it is always a struggle, especially to honor Prasadam perfectly. 🙂

Thank you very much for the inexhaustible inspiration you give us to continue our attempts to serve in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental army.

I am writing as part of the ASA Carnaval team, to send our

Activity Report:

*During this time; Sugopi Devi Dasi, Jaya Hari Prabhu and RamaKrsna Ananda Prabhu kindly shared photos and videos (From Richmond and Nashville). We especially appreciate the videos of the Cultivation of the Human Spirit (CHS) festival and the Harinama and empowerments in Richmond.🎶

*On the other hand we continue to broadcast the Saturday classes of Prabhu Upendra and you.

*We have also added to the Youtube channel the classes that you have given for ParthSarthi Foundation (Houston)


*We have yet to communicate with Abhirama Thakura Prabhu regarding the recordings of Santa Eulalia.📌

*Although very slow, we continue with the indexing and backup work on the YouTube platform.

HpS/ASA - We hear of all this work, but always hope that the same work is going on for Srila Prabhupada six-times more strongly than for us! Of course, there are Prabhupada's Memories, Lila-amrta, but ASA can also be doing things directly for Prabhupada, no?


Guru Maharaja, respectfully, we would like to put to your consideration the possibility that, during some Saturday classes:

  1. A Guru Tattva seminar is given; We consider this topic important, because the correct and deep understanding of the function and importance of the Spiritual Master is the axis for the development of spiritual life. We know that the subject has been dealt with before in different Yatras, however, we believe that these classes would help us to illuminate our understanding and to have better quality recordings that could be useful for later generations.
  2. Another option could be a seminar on Vaisnava Songs that can help us understand and relate to the song and the author.

We appreciate your consideration and we remain attentive to your kind response.🙏


Contact links:

  • Platforms 💻:




  • To refine your search see:



Coordinating team:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

That is our report for now Guru Maharaja, please excuse the shortcomings. Thank you very much for keeping us enthusiastic about Srila Prabhupada's mission.🌱

Always at his command, his would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

HpS/ASA - Thank you so much. We will especially refer this Post to Sri Natha Krsna Das. He expressed strong desire to work on the ASA Encyclopedia (A Brown's Eye View of Everything)!

Also, we were inspired by your systematic formatting to try and ad a little more. Hope it is O.K.

God, or the Devil, are in the details.