Murari Sevaka // NIOS Campus

1 year, 6 months ago by nkd1010 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami,

   Please accept my respectful obeisances!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


    We are  praying that ISKCON Murari Sevaka will fit into Your schedule next weekend. 

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!!! Paoho. Wovw!  We just got to this mail. We did not recognize your esteemed name.

Usually we try to answer within three to five days, and if there is no answer, devotees are welcome to send a Wake Up Call to our Whatsapp number.

It was a

Super Fragalistic Expialidoshas.

visit for all five of us in our car.

Just super.

  1. Excellent association with other visitors.
  2. Relief from motorized, industrialized life.
  3. Getting slobbered on and knocked over by Jambavan the cuddly, loveable Bear-King Dog.
  4. Talking with goats.
  5. Resting in a rustic cabin.
  6. Seeing Lord Caitanya and Nityananda face to face (4-feet tall).
  7. Association with Their pujaries including history of the devotion of Murari sevaka farm.
  8. Kirtans/Krsna katha.
  9. Real ISKCON American food feast. Baked potatoes and cherry cobbler. Gaura Nitai must be glad They came to America.

. . .

And that we become one of Your regular Temples to visit and bless and purify. 

We still have so much work to do; but we have steadily and progressively worked towards cleaning and beautifying and rebuilding the transcendental Home of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra, while being granted the most special gift of caring for and worshiping Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra. 

And to offer a weekly Saturday Love Feast to all souls seeking shelter at the Lord’s Lotus Feet. 

Bhakta Ruslan and Kevin have been great supporters in this endeavor. By the extreme mercy of Guru and Gauranga we are able to serve Here.  And protect Krishna’s cows, too.  And goats.  And peacocks and peahens.  And cats.  And our 3 Great Pyrenees are guarding all of us, under the direction of Krishna in their hearts! 

We have encountered major obstacles every single step of the way.

Last Summer/Fall we went 91 days without a drop of running water on the property.  The contaminated, shallow well which was Murari’s water supply for all these years finally went dry. 

After much hardship and endeavor Murari Sevaka now has clean, stable water coming in.

With Bhakta Kevin’s help we are ready to attract hundreds of new devotees in the area with Harinama/Sankirtan and bring back the already existing Devotees who no longer participate at Murari and sculpt out the most beautiful Abode in the state of Tennessee for the pleasure of Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurachandra and Srila Prabhupada and my Guru Maharaja and all the Devotees and Neighbors and Pilgrims.

And we would like to offer our services and whatever we have to You and NIOS. 

    Yesterday I mowed and cleared a nice japa trail for Your visit, through the beautiful valley directly North of the Temple Building.  Tomorrow I will widen it enough to comfortably accommodate at least 3 people side by side. 

Joey Burns, our amazing plumber is coming out to install a toilet and plumb in a shower for the men’s side of the bathhouse tomorrow morning as well.

HpS - Yes, we were observing all these things and noting that this was only by effort of big personal contributions.

    Please mercifully accept our invitation and come out to Murari next week.  We are looking so forward to hearing from and serving You.  And I pray this message was not too terribly long.

                   Your servant,

                   Mitravinda gopi dd


HpS - It is not too long.

When we saw that Gaura-Nitai had given us $201 in donations, we felt embarrassed, so we put $100 back in Their donation box for more service as guided by Their pujaris.

We expect to leave our present body in Fall 2024, so we are trying to consolidate our things, plans, relationships.

Maybe we come back as children in Murari.

Murari has seemed to far away for easy development from Nashville of Atlanta. I heard that it was planned as a combined rural center for both, but it seems too far away for either!!! ?

We have been looking to develop a Campus near Nashville for "Teacher Training" and "Educational Administrator Training" for ISKCON et al. Then the teachers and administrators can organize the rest of our institutional education.

The Buddhists had Nalanda.

The Mormons have Brigham Young University.

Nashville is centrally located for national transportation.

Not as crowed as East Coast.

Many churches seem to already have their Universities here.

It would seem nice to have a Campus 24-minutes from the airport:

Land Friday after noon.

The Campus station wagon picks you all up with other arrivals.

Get settled in to the well arranged accommodations.

Friday evening reception for students and like dinner.

Saturday morning three classes.

Afternoon workshops.

Evening entertainment.

Sunday morning closure and connected up to continue your classes on-line and return after six to twelve weeks.

Thirty residential students, 30-seminar students/weekend. 12-teachers.

Six vanaprastha/brahmans owning their own houses around the central campus.

Behind them garden, orchard and animal space.

Other devotees buy property within bicycle distance.

FM radio station with five mile radius.

😃 Of course, all this could change quickly if China, or Russia, or Canada starts a nuclear war etc.

What service base would you envision for Murari?