Reverencias gurudeva!

1 year, 6 months ago by estebanas in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada!!

Todas las glorias a usted su santidad Hanumat presaka swami!!!

Permitame presentarme,mi nombre es esteban badano,le escribo desde luján,bs as. Me dirijo a usted atraves de su discípulo Adi yagña das quién me dió su contacto.gracias a Adi,pude conocerlo a usted querido y respetado gurudeva!

Hace varios años que visito el templo y estoy muy agradecido a KRSNA por la inmenza misericordia de permitirme la asociación con los devotos.actualmente viajo al templo cada 15 dias para asistir a las clases de Bhagavad Gita y participar de Gaura Arati.

Presto servicio en el templo ayudando a los cocineros cuando hay festivales y celebraciones. También escucho sus maravillosas clases y estoy haciendo el curso de bhakti sastri. Vivo con mi señora,con quien compartimos 19 años juntos. Vivimos en el medio del campo a orillas de un rio muy tranquilo,rodeados de vacas y caballos. Juntos leemos el Srimad Bhagavatam estudiandolo y comentandolo.aquí, diariamente canto mis rondas con mucho entusiasmo y alegria.

Soy dibujante de profeción y como siempre viví en lugares naturales también me dedico a la agricultura.

Le escribo para preguntarle que debo hacer y que requisitos cumplir para poder tomar refugio en usted y para poder ser inciado en algún momento.

Me gustaria que usted sea mi diksa gurú,para poder tomar sus instrucciones formalmente,querido gurudeva. Siento mucho cariño por el señor KRSNA y me atrae mucho la filosofia vaisnava. Siento gran admiración y respeto por Srila Prabhupada y me gustaria agradecerle a todos los acharias prestando mis servicios. Deseo poder avanzar en conciencias de KRSNA y crecer en mi camino espiritual, si es posible a traves de su guía.

Le envío mis respetuosas reverencias y un fuerte abrazo querido gurudeva!!



All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to you His Holiness Hanumat presaka swami!!!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Esteban Badano, I am writing from Luján, Buenos Aires. I am writing to you through his disciple Adi yagñadas who gave me his contact. Thanks to Adi, I was able to meet you dear and respected gurudeva!

I have been visiting the temple for several years and I am very grateful to KRSNA for the immense mercy of allowing me to associate with the devotees. Currently I travel to the temple every 15 days to attend the Bhagavad Gita classes and participate in Gaura Arati.

I serve in the temple helping the cooks when there are festivals and celebrations. I am also listening to your wonderful lectures and am doing the bhakti sastri course. I live with my wife, with whom we shared 19 years together. We live in the middle of the field on the banks of a very calm river, surrounded by cows and horses. Together we read Srimad Bhagavatam, studying it and commenting on it. Here, I chant my rounds daily with much enthusiasm and joy.

I am a professional cartoonist and as I have always lived in natural places, I also dedicate myself to agriculture.

I am writing to ask you what I must do and what requirements I must meet in order to take refuge in you and to be able to be initiated at some point.

I would like you to be my diksa guru, so that I can take your instructions formally, dear gurudeva. I am very fond of Mr. KRSNA and I am very attracted to Vaisnava philosophy. I have great admiration and respect for Srila Prabhupada and would like to thank all the acharyas rendering my services. I wish to be able to advance in KRSNA consciousness and grow on my spiritual path, if possible through his guidance.

I send you my respectful obeisances and a big hug dear gurudeva!!


HpS - AgtSP! - Paoho.

So nice to meet you.

We are trying to develop ability as cartoonist.

We are looking at lessons given by people like Alphonso Dunn on the YouTube. We like the style of Charles Schultz and Dr. Seuss.

You seem to be advancing very, very nicely!


We have stop serving as Diksa guru.

In some ways it is a formality. Of course, not without meaning, but you take Karma when you do these sacrifices, and our body is too old for that.

This is natural.

Are there nice devotees in Argentina who are doing this function.

Yadunandana Swami is Spain is doing Dika, initiation. He is very nice devotee.

I think Adi or Nikunja can put you in touch with him.

We can serve as Sika guru up to our level of realization, but in general just develop your relationship with Srila Prabhupada as Guru for all of us and you will get personal inspiration from him how to advance in purification, power and beauty.


We will try to share some of your art.

Get your suggestions.

Please share some of yours.