Jay Maharaj!

1 year, 7 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK, Maharaj, PAMHO. AGTSP!

All glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga!!!

How r u? How's it going that festival in which you are participating? Are you going to preach there?

Here I’m doing better, I started waking up earlier in the mornings, and overall chanting my rounds better, I’m trying to pronounce the word Krishna as you taught me with the tongue touching the palate, and I have a doubt about how Rāma it’s pronounced, quite frequently I’ve heard the Hindus also pronouncing the R as if almost touched the palate, is that OK?

HpS - Hare Krsna. Not sure. We just try to apply the pronunciation guide in the back of Srila Prabhuapada's books and ask any Oxford Sanskrtists who pass through.

Chant with meaning: Mommy! Mommy!

I set a goal for myself of avoiding having dinner on Friday night in order to wake up earlier on Saturdays, generally I avoid that meal but on that day I tend to celebrate the end of the working week, so how can I manage to be more disciplined in that area?

HpS - Before you offer any Bhoga to Krsna on Friday night just think about why eating light or not will help you on Saturday morning, no? Advance by cultivating intelligence for KRSNA

:::{Hare Krsna}:::

another thing I would like to please ask you about is regarding investing lakshmi, what would be a Vaishnava alternative for stock shares investing?

HpS - Srila Prabhupada had Atreya rsi Das invest by shares in companies as income for the trust funds for the Mayapura and Vrndavana Temples.

Atreya investigated the companies properly and then bought shares, membership.

Investing in Stock Market is not gambling if it is done as good, researched business.

Land (for Grains)

Cows (for milk)

Brahmanas (teachers)

are good investment.

Sriman Das bought house in good school distrivt in California. It was good investment. Land and Brahmanas.

Also if one would like to invest in third party’s commercial projects, which industry’s areas could be better options?

I felt very identified with the Deva-Vrata’s letter your referred me, about the Jesus Christ subject, I always as well felt very very identified with him and his teachings.

HpS - So does Srila Prabhupada. His sincerity of appreciaton probably make our seem like vanity!

Currently I’m reading a book called Atomic Habits, and I’m founding it of so much benefit, learning to set to myself goals, try to stick to the habits which lead to them, and building a whole new life, one step at a time.

ASA - 👍

Also I’m organizing myself with specific plannings for the things I need to buy for improving my service and sadhana, and for other areas of my life.

I’m enjoying myself with a sense of progress.

thank you very very much Maharaj!

hope everything it’s more than well over there!

your servant,


HpS - ASA -- We heard from Cakravarty Das that SP said, "Become self realized, build your character and preach."

Do you think the whole world should read the big two volume edition of the KRSNA book! We do. Along with that Vedabase,Io version is great!! Balarama preaching to Rukmini.